Unlikely Character Concept

Maybe they’ll do that if they make a Non-Disney Heroes Battle Mode.


I can’t O have to much room already so yep


Because my pics


Why is this called Negatron?

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That’s his name look it up

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The episode is called NegaDuck


But it’s still is NegaDuck

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Ooooooooh i got a idea @Champion_David

Flag zombie is a :star: damage hero

Game:plants vs zombies franchise


White:zombie bite

Flag zombie bites a enemy which damages them for x amount.

Green:summon the wave

Flag zombie summons a wave of zombies that damage multiple enemies for x amount and stuns them for x seconds.

Blue:follow the leader

Flag zombie raises his flag up high which increases his allies stats.

Purple:final wave

When he is defeated, flag zombie summons one last wave of zombies to damage enemies for x amount.


Flag zombie/jack skellington
Undead fundead

Flag zombies “zombie bite” skill now heals himself for x amount.

Flag zombie/Miguel
Zombie dance party

Flag zombies attack speed increases for each star added.


Oh I got a Idea

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I’m gonna make the other Furious 5 into characters

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I’ll start tomorrow but as of now NegaDuck is the 1 who is done I finished him finally

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I could change purple to a Primal Potato Mine skill, that would summon Primal Potatoes Mines for his white if ypu would like that better??

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Yeah, seems like the normal Potato Mine will have a powerful upgrade in its Purple skill.


Tnx dude :+1:t2:

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Uncle Pennybags

Basic Attack- shoots a die at the closest enemy
White: Uncle Pennybags throws money into the air, healing all allies for 10% of their max health + x healing over 5 seconds and granting them 100 energy.
Green: Chance and Community chest. Uncle Pennybags hands a Chance Card to a random enemy and a Get out of Jail free card to himself. That enemy is stunned for 3 seconds and Uncle Pennybags ignores the next disable cast upon him. chance to fail.

Blue: Hotel Drop. Summons a Hotel to fall on enemies, dealing X total damage. Damage is split between al enemies randomly. True damage. Pennybags also heals for 50% of the total damage this move deals.

Purple: At the start of combat, Pennybags rides the Reading Railroad into combat, dealing damage to all enemies and silencing the closest enemy for 4 seconds.

Uncle Pennybags-Nick Wilde
Capital Investment oppurtunity:
Hotel Drop does not target enemy with most health (unless they are the only 1 left) and stuns ALL enemies. More skill power.

Pennybags-Mr. Incredible
Title Deed Paperwork.
Basic Attack shoots 2 dice and has an increased chance to crit, More Crit damage.

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Ooops I accidentally deleted him :cry::sob:

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(If your doing the fearsome five then let me add one ally)

Quackerjack is a :star::star: damage hero

White:pogo stomp

He bounces on enemies with his pogo stick damaging them for x amount.

Green:back in time

He uses his time top to either slow down his enemies or speed up his allies for x seconds.

Blue:toys of doom

Quackerjack throws explosive toys at the enemies which damages and stuns them.

Purple:fearsome fun

Quackerjack now gains x amount of energy when using his “time top” skill.


Unlikely allies

When one of his allies gets defeated, his attack power increases by 20%.

Shock and awe

Quackerjacks “pogo stomp” skill now gets him x amount of energy.

(Your welcome)

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I was bout to do him tho :cry:

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But tnx anyway

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Ohhhhhhhhh sorry about that :disappointed_relieved:

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