Update 1.10 Patch Notes

Una pregunta, @Polaris, ¿cuándo se cambiará el héroe del cofre del clan en el servidor 18? Gracias.

While I stand by my previous statement, I do agree with most everyone here. Besides the soon-to-be-revealed anniversary presents . . . This is the most anticlimactic update that’s ever been released. Don’t get me wrong, Goofy was a great choice to finally add, as he’s an original Disney character who is such a vital part of the company and culture of Disney. But, still, just him? Even with this other new female hero coming (which I’m also betting is either Minnie or Jasmine), it just feels so tiny. And, let’s be honest. Another level increase? It’s gone too far. With all due respect, you guys have to slow down on the rank upgrades. So, while I get that it takes lots of work for these updates, I’m just a little disappointed that we didn’t exactly get a complete birthday party for DHBM. We got more of a plain white birthday cake with one candle and messy frosting that looked like it was made by a chef who was half-asleep while writing.


oooooooooo I like it, the rebellion has begun people!


Polaris i am feeling disapointed i did not excpeted a level cap increaseing again i hope goofy is not the only added hero to this game in june


@Polaris stop hyping everyone up like u did for this awful update…stop telling people that the surprises this week r gonna be so great and good…im not stupid its gonna be extra port and trials rewards and maybe a double campaign drop for one day


Coincidence? Haha


So regular campaign fights don’t give any progress for collections at all?

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If they were going that route they needed to give goofy his perfect cast move since that’s basically what saved them at the end of the movie.

Why is server 2-8 are getting cap increase with server 1? Shouldn’t server 1 be the first to get their cap increase then later on server 2-8? The gap for o5 and o6 are too early for server 2-8 compare to the previous cap increase.


So if I want to prove to Perblue I’m totally OK and happy with the game, I need to spend money on it? Gotcha


Level cap increase? O+6? Really? I never expect anything from you and always manage to disappoint me


We just got the bump to O1 and I can’t imagine having to level up through O6.

And then you get a new character and need to farm those lower badges all over again. While doing it you can’t get your Orange ones.


Thanks Ulti, stoked i dont have to write basically everything you just did…good lookin out :slight_smile:


better than what they’re doing now. and won’t be long intill a new color is released. so whats the point of constantly upgradeing heros without having a useful skill.


when I read this post I cannot help but to question collections. why are we adding in something that does not benefit our heroes what so ever. I mean even if its just cosmetics , what is there to really show off? boarders around our heroes picture? another question about this patch is that ove seen you mention stamina and other rewards. will this make up for our invasion nerf? sometimes the biggest questions we seem to have seems insignificant to these announcements. a little more info comes a long way per blue. im a heavy hitter in server 1 and I tend to read and be there for not only my server but the well being of the entirety of this game. please feed us more info to your updates so we do not find ourselves automatically thinking negatively. ty.


Thet have plenty of useful skills point is they have other ways of customising them mods collections etc you dont need new skills

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This is great but when will you address the bug with the chat system? I am still not getting alerted to private messages sent to me. Thanks.


@Polaris, I was informed that this would be addressed in an earlier update, but it still has not. Here is the prior comment in case you need it as a reference:

The disappearing chat should be in the 1.9.2 update, and we’re still trying to nail down what’s causing PM notifications to not work consistently.

Can you please let us know where the team is in fixing this issue? Thanks!


You know what? I’m coming out of my silence on this one. I have been stalking the forums since I made my farewell post in hope that PB might take note that a very vocal member of the community was stepping away. I also did so to take responsibility for my mismanagement of my guild and stand by everything I said then. Lastly I did so because I had truly had it with the game but came back quietly because of the friends I made and the fact that my mom is discovering a love for video games because of this game, though I wish it were a game in the hands of a better quality studio. However this is a load of crock.

We have another suprise in a classic character with Goofy which while exciting is staunchly out of character with his moveset in my opinion, following that of ‘An Extremely Goofy Movie’ rather than ‘A Goofy Movie’. Also myself personally while I agree with the Tank role for him if it was his iteration found in the ‘Kingdom Hearts’ series, I believe he should belong more so as a Control hero. Goofy is a klutz, he fails in such spectacular fashion that he causes mayhem wherever he goes. This is purely semantics however and not the main issue with this patch. One could say it is the only redeeming thing in this patch.

The issue with this patch is literally everything else. First off as an ‘Anniversary Patch’ this isn’t disappointing, it’s insulting. One hero of questionable quality and accuracy, landing in the wake of the most recent bonehead pocket lining decision to have come, resulting in yet another wave of people quitting/thinking of quitting all at the hands of the very creators of the game they claim to play. Next is the announcement of yet another cap increase which will only be redeemable if it is announced to be the last cap increase ever and we finally actually have a cap that means what one would expect it to mean.

However with PerBlue’s stellar track record they will probably push the game beyond 400 at this increasing rate. Assuming they stick around long enough. Lastly the biggest one for me personally which is a real slap to the face. Collections.

Remember when Polaris said that the goal shouldn’t be to max out every hero? And to focus about 15 of them? Remember when that was proven false with Trials, Heist, GW, Invasion, Surge, Contests, and now Collections. So with Platinum collections we have to have so many of that collection unlocked, at 6*, and fight with them in specified battles in order to take advantage of this newest feature. This is a feature that in all truth make sense in this type of game but not with the philosophy our dear old friend Polaris has provided us with.

This for many people will be the final nail in the coffin, either to stop spending money or to quit playing the game entirely. If you would all humor me for a minute, I would like to issue a challenge. When this patch drops on May 29th and you wish to keep playing I would like someone of high standing on each server to gather the Top 10 guilds/Top 200 players and have them cease all purchases. See if that makes PB squirm and finally listen. Outside of a movement of that much cashflow I don’t see anything improving with this state of the game, for anyone. Thank you all for your time.


I haven’t read the whole patch but I did read the moveset of Goofy And I’m mostly disappointed like what is that moveset? I get that it’s from “A Goofy Movie” but I was hoping just like Mickey that he would have his classic moves! For a Disney game you failed with goofy I Made a concept on goofy that Isn’t the best but it’s more accurate to what he would do AS HIS CLASSIC self! I’m really disappointed on his moveset and this isn’t the first time y’all messed up I was utterly disappointed with most of Hercules Skills for example “pommel strike” Or “What Goes Around” I was expecting skills that Hercules Would Do Like you can keep WGA But pommel strike? Really? Not even a skill with Pegasus what I’m trying to say is that these skills don’t match the character if you add Donald Duck which I also made a concept on try to think of something he would actually do as his classic self! I don’t even play this game anymore mostly when I’m Bored which I’m mostly not I’m just here for the forums… this update is mostly disappointing :unamused: and I know this will get flagged.

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