Update 1.10 Patch Notes

Is collections ignored here?

I wish there would be more heroes refresh such Vel, Ralph, calhoun… they are outdated and never been touched

I’m also not very pleased to have someone like Goofy (because I’m not a fan) and hoping to have more popular characters like Disney prince and princesses instead.

I hope for the challenge you made to be a successful one. I’m hoping this would wake PerBlue up and finally listen to the voices of F2P. Hearing and responding are two sides of the same coin. In this state, Perblue only hears and then neglect. I also hope this would finally end for the hierarchy that PerBlue is building.

Like I said in my Anniversary message, I still have the Power of Positivity despite all of this.

EDIT: I also remembered Polaris saying we don’t have to upgrade all heroes, but most of the game’s features will force the competitive players to upgrade their white heroes. I think what Polaris means is players do not need to be competitive. And it sounds odd for me.


Why do you guys always bum me out, and I’m not talking about PerBlue, I’m talking about it’s community. I just want to enjoy this game and the content it has in store but with every comment it’s always negative, calling this company greedy and saying they don’t listen, they don’t deserve this, they didn’t even need to make this game, they could have probably discontinued with all the backlash it gets yet it still moves and they put all their hard work into it like a game should for its fans. I get it you’re upset about how they keep increasing and adding levels and how it’s only appealing to people who pay the game when that’s simply not the case, they add things so you always have something to do and challenges to accomplish, that’s what games are meant to be, they aren’t cake walks and they are not meant to be completed so easily, and to add onto it you don’t need to rush to complete everything, me myself like to take this game slowly and enjoy it either way. I know some of you won’t believe me, probably saying that I’m wrong or even say I’m just a person that works for PerBlue and is just trying to get them out of this situation and I’m fine with that, I’m just a dedicated fan who defends these people and feels like these people work really hard to give to the fans who play this game a good time but to no avail, if your reading this PerBlue continue the hard work you put in for us and I hope things go well for you in the long run, happy anniversary.


I’m glad that PerBlue is starting to reveal the friendships of the newest heroes, the friendship with Goofy & Jessie is perfectly in common anyone can see. :wink:


Unfortunately truces in a similar vein to this have been attempted before, and usually last about a day before the spenders get itchy feet.

It would be a nice idea, otherwise.


Also, take your time for the other new hero, it perfectly make sense the the most heroes after the sign-in hero update is almost in the middle of the month, I like it. :clap:


I totally agree. People are so unappreciative and I’m always worried one day all their moaning and ranting about trivial minor peeves will come back to haunt us and get the game discontinued. Thankfully I’m pretty sure these complainers are only a vocal minority and Perblue know that, but it’s still disheartening


Did you miss the part where they mentioned collections giving little bonuses to all the heroes they entail?

Because people who spent hundreds of dollars supporting this game don’t need to “appreciate” anything. The company raking in the cash needs to earn it.


I suppose the entire gameplay of, well, the game, is a “trivial minor peeve”?

Don’t you think the people who use the forums to voice their opinion are probably the most active & dedicated players? Besides, not a single person I’ve seen in the game chat itself, or on Discord, has had a positive thing to say about this recent sequence of events.


I personally like that they add Goofy and don’t mind them adding Collection either :-), but I think the problem here in terms of this update specifically was that it felt overhyped to many people. People did calm a bit more down when they heard that another character were planned for the update, but unfortunately wasn’t ready in time for the update.

I think the reason for the community to be this angry is a combination with the anniversary update feeling overhyped and the reduction of the Invasion rewards that people loved, so yeah just not a good combination and timing in terms of the reduction of the Invasion rewards as that would be better to do at least after the Anniversary celebration.

The reason why many people are angry as well are likely because they are paying with their real world money and the product they have bought are underperforming in their view you could say. These are money they could have very well have saved up for a holiday or a family outing, or just as simple necessity as food. So yeah, they want Disney Heroes to feel worth it in terms of the real world money they spent on Disney Heroes if they did.

Slightly a different angle from a player who doesn’t spend, but they can still be very loyal and good players so for them it would be time invested, so like feeling like months of time spent on Disney Heroes wasn’t worth it. The players who doesn’t spend can still be really good for the game as they might instead help out in the community, make promotional-ish videos, create/help a Wiki or a help site for the game, so yeah they can help the game a lot.

I am not sure I think in terms of the community being ungrateful or not I can’t 100% say or not as I understand what kind of view they are coming from, but yeah I agree that things could have been going better for Disney Heroes, even though I can say that I still do enjoy Disney Heroes for its story content and are looking forward to both Goofy and Collection :-).

And yeah hope it goes better later and I wish you and Perblue a happy anniversary ^^. Hope it goes well for you in the a game CowardWisper8 and hope you have fun playing as well :-).


I’m saying the change in Invasion rewards, a mode we’ve only received recently, is a minor thing. I actually didn’t notice there was a change for a while, and I prefer the idea of focusing on the new thing that can only be gotten in this mode than the things you can get in other places. Personally I’m just happy we’ve got Robin Hood and Merlin now, those are two of my favourite classic Disney movies.

My point is, Perblue is bringing out new things and keeping the game interesting, and clearly trying to fix many of people’s concerns, but there are people that just go on and on about trivial little things and threatening to quit and I just wish people could be more positive

You spend hundreds of dollars?

Many of us have request the trial drops including all the previous bits. And I mean it when I say many

And what are they doing with our feedback? Not a single comment “We would consider” or an explanation “We couldn’t do that because…”

Total silence is what we get :slight_smile:

So no. they don’t listen. They hear us and then ignore and certainly, fix nothing


Some people spend thousands on this game. And no I’m not joking


And about Collection, what happened to the righteous statement “Players don’t need to max out every single heroes”? Go down the drain?

As far as I can see, the only way to complete Collection is to max out every single available heroes :slight_smile: Why? Because they only count the fight is Surge, CW and Invasion. A weak hero would die instantly, and we would need at least 20 fights. Oh and let’s not forget about their number of stars

It feels like they are slapping themselves with their own words. And it’s ridiculous, not at all funny, in any possible way


I fail to understand how removing 73 weekly stamina drinks and thousands of weekly XP bottles from the players is a minor or trivial thing. Doing the maths, that’s essentially reduced our ability to do anything by about two thirds.

Mods are great for improving already strong heroes. They will not help my healthy population of unused White, Green, Blue & Purple heroes to compete.

If you spend enough that you don’t need them, then good on you. The rest of us do.


Well at least goofy is being added to the game.

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Ugh…not everything in the world has to be a reward of useful objects.

Yah know like when you earn trophies and stuff? Or take for example challenges. Sure, everyone does want the tokens, but most people complain when they failed one all cuz they want to show off that they have completed all the challenges.

That is tje same purpose of coatumes and Collections. It is something fun you can do that (not in the case of costumes) A F2P can do just as well as a P2W up to a certain point.

This means, some F2P can have the bragging rights that are usually only for the P2P. I

If you all constantly insist on getting new special rewards from every gamemode, then you do not know what the point of this is. This is a game. You play it, challenge yourself, earn achievements and trophies, and when you are finally bored with it, you leave. You want a reward for everything? Pft get real, not even real life works that way.

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