Update 1.10 Patch Notes

Why was my post flagged? I didn’t say anything mean did I? Just wondering

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@Polaris Can you at least note which heroes will be replaced at each stores? Like who’s replacing Quorra at the War Shop? It’s really hard predicting who’s replacing who especially if that certain hero you’re working on gets replaced on the new update.

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The list is already here, reply 108 or somewhere nearby.

I think your comment could be taken meaner/ruder that you meant, but I personally don’t think your comment is that bad either as you just gotten to a point where you had gotten tired of the negativity.

You were just speaking from your heart and trying to address what felt like a problem, so I do understand you :-).


Very little. As in not worth the effort. At least from what I’ve noticed on server 2.

Did anyone notice that they raised the diamond price of every single limited package? Now the batteries and heroes chips cost way more than double of the actual ingame value. Additionally they lowered the rewards and increased the lvl cap plus introduced another badge overflow to demotivate even the last free to play users.

But yeah let’s be even more positive, there will be for sure another 50 or 100 Euro package to celebrate this anniversary patch :partying_face:.


Well I have been having to deal with this for a WHOLE YEAR, I have just gotten really tired of it

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So if someone is unhappy then you force this person to smile and saying “Oh yes, I don’t like this, but I’m happy”.
This is a forum for public an opinions of DHBM players thoughts, and currently most of them is negative, because changes in invasion are terrible, expanding problems with rising caps too often.

Now you’re the rude person, if you don’t want public comments, which they don’t break forum rules.


Classic Perblue
Level cap increase
A rank increase

I JUST BARELY GOT MY CHARACTERS TO PURPLE and not even all of them just a FEW
And I haven’t payed a cent on this game I’m not gonna pay on a game to finally catch up its a game money is for important THINGS I don’t play anymore I go occasionally open crates see if anything is new in the store unless I get a new character I don’t play I just go to the forums!
It’s insane how you really want people to pay I’m not one of those People who are just gonna pay, it’s getting insanely out of hand but atleast goofy is here I guess and even his skill set is sadly disappointing couldn’t even do some skills that he would actually do there all just from “A Goofy Movie” instead of something classic he would do but okay great job perblue👏


How about we fix the broken weekly quest?? I didn’t manually collect and have been “pending” since Tuesday but it is still logging quests. Or did I completely miss something

@LordeSparkles Yes, you miss something.
You can claim rewards only on Monday.

How am I breaking any of the rules? People literally harass this company for doing the things there way and you’re saying that I’m the bad guy here because of my opinion? I get it you’re unhappy and I’m not saying to force you to smile, all I’m saying is that you should at least keep all this hate to an extant, I’m not forcing you to. I get that people will hate the things that they do but when that’s said to you every five minutes it can be really repetitive and tiring for some people who want to enjoy the game, but I get that that’s never going to happen, I just wanted to address this that’s all

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Yep. My partner loves this game and there was no other way to catch up to them as a new player than buying stamina. The bill adds up pretty quickly unfortunately.

Very true. I also love this game however it’s becoming very P2P orientated. I myself have also spent a lot on the game, it’s just disappointing seeing the constant grind because even with spending I am not able to keep up properly.

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We are my post still getting flagged? I sware I’m not trying to be rude


Am I the only one finding these recent actions to be, for lack of a better word, hostile to F2P players?

Half of this all is bad enough on it’s own, but all together and at this rate is brutal.


If you think you are a bit too aggressive there I recommend you editing your comment so in case it doesn’t get flagged :-).

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I get your point, now if you dont mind me, I’m going to walk myself out the door before I make things worse because I get the feeling I will, at least I tried lol


I still don’t get why I’m getting flagged…


Can we cool it on levels and toons for a bit so we all have time to catch up?
Also there should be a way to organize the missions by friendship level.
We shouldnt have to scroll through all the level 15 friendships to get to the ones that still need work.

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