Update 1.10 Patch Notes

For a pointless endless progression on levels and badges, it is a complete waste of money to spend on this game.

I implore those of you out there spending so much money on this game to please stop. There are better uses of money and there is no endgame no ending no stopping you will just keep being behind as they will not stop adding more goalposts to drain your wallet.


Off-topic? Maybe?

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It’s on topic because this Anniversary update delivers yet another rapid goalpost movement.

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If you say anything that people disagree with its flagged. System is so abused


Wait… Hold on, you said that server 14 gets gaston AND goofy? Wow


Oh, the irony here…

And to stay on topic, I’m going to enjoy collections on my S19 alt! But will the armor/reality/max hp buffs be scaled so they aren’t OP?


You would think people would be use to people spending money on games and its not your money so no need to get Salty

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Really You Duplicate Stats in Invasión but the rewards are the dame?

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Cant wait for the new update. Keep it up the good work.

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“Celebration plans” in the past has consistently meant expensive packs that aren’t even worth buying. I can’t believe you guys truly have the audacity to say you listen to your player base simply because you’re rolling out new heroes.

You nerfed the ONE game mode that actually kept players around and gave f2p a chance. Players have literally told you ALL YEAR that the level caps are too fast. And now here literally 2 weeks after getting a level cap we’re getting another one. You do not listen to your player base, and no amount of “celebration plans” is going to convince us otherwise.

Edit: one more thing. If you feel the need to challenge this statement as false, I’m more than happy to free the next few hours of my life to go through all the patch notes from the last year. It’s important to note that over half these comments came from P2W


E ainda vão lá e colocam um torneio onde vc ganha pontos se conseguir moedas (torneio do S4, não sei os outros), mas as moedas que vc consegue por vender badges não valem pontos, very nice!

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Just my final words here.

I have been playing this game for what seems like the longest years. I used to buy the monthly pack just so I could catch up. Every single month without fail and I realised, hey paying some money can actually let you catch up a little with the rest of your guild mate but of course, no where near being all P4 (back then we only had P4)…

Then it started to change… badges are harder to obtain. You need more recourses to keep up. Gold, xp pots, badges etc… then I realised you need to be a whale just to keep up with the game… I get a constant supply of 400 diamonds a day but it didn’t seem to help the situation at all…

Eventually I decided to leave my account for another better player… someone who hopefully will enjoy as much as I used to. When I first joined the game, those who started with me, has left the game eons ago… these included whales… I’m a monthly pack and occasional badges purchaser but I don’t see this improving my toons…

O4 was released not long ago and I had only one char at O4… when O5 was released, that was the final straw. At this point of writing, I’m still at level 111 and only 2 chars at O4…

To me, this is a familiar kind of toxic game and I can only wish those staying all the best and enjoy the friendships and bonding made… that’s all :slight_smile:


These words, that’s what really matters! :slight_smile:

Farewell, mate.


Uh @Polaris i think some people are being flagged wrongfully on this and a few other threads…


Yeah i cant wait got the update. My post got flaged. People are abusing it

Where is @Polaris when they’re needed? There’s anarchy on the forums today… :sweat:

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I’m pretty sure they can see who flagged what. If people are flagging inappropriately they will address it. :slight_smile:

For all the negativity, albeit mostly warranted & fair, I am looking forward to trying out the new feature.

What really should happen before o6 comes out is merge some of the o5 servers. At least that would give us some new players to challenge.

Maybe I missed something, but I don’t see where it says what heroes will be in Chapter 18 Elite?

I’m getting used to how ridonculously insufficient the time between cap raises is, which of course is counter to the slowdown you claimed months ago, but it is still a bummer. The biggest frustration by far is the abysmal drop rates. If you increased those, it would be much more tolerable. But spending a hundred stamina for 1 bit is absurd. I beg of you please please please convince them to raise the drop rate. That change has been needed for eons.


It’s possible we won’t see @Polaris today. It’s a holiday in the US. Memorial Day.

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