Update 1.10 Patch Notes

He at least would leave us a note: “The PertBlue office will be close on Monday 27 for the memorial day” or something Since the Friday. Isn’t it?

@Polaris - Hi! Any chance of a catch-up reward for 105? It seems to have been a while since we’ve gotten a new round of those, and it might help boost morale for people struggling to keep up/becoming less motivated to keep up with level cap.


They are off today I’m guessing its memorial day.


Polaris does not work on weekends or holidays so of course they will be silent!

Are you working today?

Or, do you have classes today, cuz I do not know your age…


Umm, it’s a holiday. A lot of people are off on holidays. Are you seriously expecting for PerBlue to always be at the office to help fix issues? Do you realize how entitled that sounds? Also, for me this game takes up less than 500 MB. It doesn’t take up that much space. And if people spent money on this game, that’s on them.


Let’s also remember.
The one hero being released. Most wont have for 2-3weeks after the anniversary hahaha

I don’t even know if triple ports or even 5x trials could save the anniversary at this point.

Your anniversary present to everyone should just be reinstating the invasion rewards. At least save some face with the community at this point.


Some people are playing on older devices that have very little storage. For example, I used to play this game on an iPhone 5s. It only had 15 GB of useable space. Relative to that, 500 MB is pretty sizable.

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He is the sign in hero so…

Polaris has answered our questions and voices multiple times. Sure there are a few big questions they don’t really answer but to say the never answer is not only wrong, but rude.

The truth is rude sometimes :man_shrugging:

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Woho, thanks for the great update PB! disneygif_9
Only sad you couldn’t realise the other hero, but hope her came in the future😀


I am really impatient over the anniversary event… I am hoarding anything I can to be ready for whatever there is to come. Unfortunately this is hindering my growth on the older server I joined. I keep checking for hints of any type but so far no hints at all. I just want to know if there will be a contest/contests? Ugh, the suspense is killin me…lol

99.9% sure that it will be a Fortify the Network contest.

Recommend continuing to save those resources until it starts on Friday.


It will be, that contest is every 3 weeks

I would like to see a special Anniversary themed contest.

@OFFICER_WILDE Yea people are Abussing the Flag Button


With the office closed yesterday for the Memorial Day holiday, we’re doing the final QA passes today with the update happening tomorrow.


Um, keep it on topic and you’re posts won’t be flagged.

Added to the Content Update section for Servers 1-8: The Team Level 120 medal is not yet in the game. The medal will be awarded retroactively once it’s added in.


There’s no need to act like this


Who flagged me? I was just getting excited, didnt know it wwas so off topic

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