Update 1.10 Patch Notes

The level 115 medal awarded 5 Felix chips, so I think we’ll be ok to wait on the 120 medal.


It’s clear that even the PB staff cant keep up with their level update speed


@Polaris is this not a sign that the level cap increase is coming too soon? The devs haven’t even done all of their work to properly implement the cap increase. How on earth are the players supposed to have adequately prepared for this update if the devs haven’t?

Also, did you see my comment under the invasion rewards thread, which is now one of if not the highest liked comment on all of the forums?


Maybe the hero chips awarded at level 120 will be for the female character that was supposed to be coming out in this update but wasn’t ready, which could be why it will be added in a future update like when they add her?

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My money is on Elastigirl chips.


It won’t be elastigirl. Polaris said that there was another hero that they intended to add in this patch. They said it was a female hero(my guesses are Minnie or Mulan) and that’s what they were referencing.

Lol you say half the people here aren’t being rude when you (and obviously) many other people) are being rude

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He is not being rude he is just speaking the truth

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I’m usually not rude here. But when we’ve been putting up with this consistently, yeah. Gonna be rude. Feel free to flag me if you cant see the truth behind PB. I PROMISE you I am not the only one who feels this way.


By next week, do you mean starting tomorrow (Wednesday)?

Guys, Polaris and the team have a life to live with their families, you can’t have these people slave away for your comfort all the time, sure it’s all in the name of “business” but still, at least let them spend time out of the game, they have already been doing a lot for everyone even if you think they don’t, at least respect them like human beings.


@The_Mouse sorry, it’s entitled. Very entitled. Sad how entitled some are that they don’t even realize it



As someone who works in the software industry, I can tell you that 24/7 support should never be assumed. There are significant logistics around that, especially if your Support organization is going to be globally centered. If not, you need third shift covered and for small companies (under 500) that is not the rule.

Yes, it would be more convenient for us as users to have them at our beck and call, but with so many people F2P, the income from them is coming from Tapjoy, Fyber, and Theorem. Not a lot, really.

Be patient, they will get to you.


I feel like at this point there’s no point for us complaining in this thread…
In less than 24hrs the game will update and the thread will be closed down and locked and they won’t have to read more or respond to this.
We’re just wasting our time, voices and efforts.


14 hours until the update…


I wonder if it could be Minnie?

Just wishful thinking


When today will it be coming out

Updates usually happen around 12pm CST, but since this is a client update (I assume) it depends largely on the availability of the game in the various app stores, which is down to them.

@Polaris when are you going to add more difficulty to trials and Ports? You keep increasing team levels and ranks but you dont add a good way to collect badge bits besides using stamina.


But he’s right.

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