Update 1.10 Patch Notes


@Polaris Does “Groovy” do anything other than improve the effect of his active?

@Polaris please tell me you missed new Guild Perks in the patch notes…

Edit: my guild has all, the thought of a full patch or more without anything to spend out hard earned influence on is, as a guild leader, crushing.


Goodbye @Polaris you and Perblue obviously don’t care. Thanks for trying buddy. Hope I don’t see you guys in whatever game I trade for this one.


I thought this update was going to be, and I quote “ELECTRIC”!

More like a power trip :joy:


Unfortunately I don’t think there are any new perks.

It’s already a drag getting people to participate in guild modes, the amount of chat has greatly decreased and people just don’t get excited about getting on the game anymore. Perks are maxed out and the grind makes gameplay stale. Invasion was great, but now nobody can be bothered for that either.

Reducing the value of influence to 0 for us will drop activity even further. We are a rank 2 guild with people still at 110 and only reaching wave 17 of surge daily. Despite the inactivity we are still comfortably holding rank - think that says something about the other guilds, too…


Most likely not. The avarage time gap is this one.
I wish as well sometimes the max cap could slow down a bit.

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Slowly players are quiting, ranging from casual to hardcore players. And the peoppe playing still arent as into it ad before ive noticed the excitement die down a lot with those still playing.


Legal, mas espero que essa atualização seja uma pegadinha e que a @Polaris coloque a real em breve

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You also don’t specify which heroes these are coming in the shops for.

I assume Olaf is one, Barbossa another, and the rest?


So the lack of cap didnt last long. Guess we better get ready to wave goodbye to more players…


Guess I’ll just start saving the money I used to spend in this game (not much for PB to care, anyway).
Not quiting right away, but, you know, as everyone in my guild is getting tired of the P2W this game has came, eventually I’ll be out too…

Also, there’s no info of what heroes will be in which crates, no VIP infos, and I’m totally sure that those “gifts” they will be offering next week won’t be free at all, again, just P2W stuff… Off course, we’ll probably see some good stuff costing a small amount of diamonds, but hey, you gotta pay for diamonds, right?!


Perblu your killing this game I’m apart of what was the top guild in server 12 the nerd herd and we have had almost a dozen people quit …does this not worry you when they are all the biggest whales in the server


This update is unfortunate that it addresses none of the real issues- leveling and badges have become too expensive, rewards have become much less, amd game is turning into just another whale-hunting money-grab.
I’ve spent real money on this game but if Devs can’t appreciate players’ opinions they will find their game dead soon after it’s 1st birthday.
Disney can afford better for God’s sake


@Polaris desejo feliz aniversário ao jogo, mas provavelmente não esperarei pelo próximo


It’s so sad to watch everyone quitting and they dont care because the people spending tons of money offset the people quitting. I’ve put a few grand in to the game and I just cant keep up with the game. The always mention "quality of life improvements " but to whom? I too will be quitting the day of the new release. This “update” is the death of so many good players


I enjoy the idea of Goofy accomanying Mickey and hope to see the rest of the gang show up soon!

Also, cannot wait for these gifts and events!! :yum:


Yeah considering we just got Merlin and RH.

On the other hand, @Polaris, what is “groovy?” There was no description on that

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Any level increases for port and trials? And how about adding a new category to diamond crates and add in stamina x 60. That way you can get xp drink, badges, gold and stamina as a bonus. That would take out some ofthe sting of poor invasion awards. And please do something about the rewards from completing 175 quest in a week. Or at least change the description to take out the word huge.


When Goofy uses his Purple skill he gains stacks of Groovy. Using Bust a Move he heals himself for each stack of “Groovy.”

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