Update 1.16 Known Issues

Two issues to report:

Roster detail view is overlapping, as shown

Heist text is gigantic.

Seen on both iPhone 11Pro Max and iPad Pro 10.5, S21, TL 105

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This is what server 18 chat looks like, I went to my other server and it’s fine @Elliot

Bo Peep woody’s disk bugged and not doing it’s job


Enemies damaged by “Deflection Spin” lose
38707 armor for 10 seconds
This effect stacks up to 5 times

Now it’s not removing enemy’s armor and her team not doing 75% damage



The last 2 of the new borders repeat.

Unbelivelable, you made CityWatch even worse!
Now stage 4.1 got a level 260 team already and is unbeatable with this lineup :rage:


One is for coli and second for arena. Nothing wrong.

Are those characters at 0/x progress for the collection? I thought that was a bug a while ago too, but apparently the C is supposed to show progress in a collection, rather than that the hero is eligible. So, you need at least 1 point on them for it to show up.

Confusing :upside_down_face:


I’m not sure if the attacks in Challenger are working correctly - I’m currently in 2nd, and it seems I’m only able to attack other players in the top 5, and nobody below that. Surely that defeats the purpose of being able to ‘unlock’ opponents to fight, when one of the opponents I unlocked yesterday I’m now unable to battle?

I would’ve thought we should be able to attack any opponent in our league who is unlocked?

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Pooh is probably coming.

They should give you 50 epic CW keys just for this.

that looks like feedback, not a bug report

I deleted!

And some new, again…
I’m first but able to get 2nd place rewards.


I think this is display bug only - I was 2nd for last night, and I did get the 2nd place rewards, even though it was highlighted Top 10.

Though, I was first for a long time, it’s a shame the reward is now decided again by the position at the time :clock12: and not highest


YOOO I’ve wanted Winnie the Pooh since the beginning!!

I notice that too, hope they fix this soon

I can Only change coli defence once… i dropped defences to help people and cant change it back.

Continuing the discussion from Update 1.16 Known Issues:

Yeah @polaris today I was shown enemies level 135 with maxed red skills being actually level 145 after retrying you can see different stats and why???. Today my city watch consisted solely around only Piggy Qh+Megara maxed disc combos combined with either Hook/Animal/Magica/Rapunzel all have maxed red skills and are actually stronger than implemented. But then why has it to match 12/15 times to such high ranked enemies??
Before it always was Randall with his horde. Now it only matches Piggy lines…? There is no real chance to unlock red skills on your toons with such enemies, cause your triple rotation makes it impossible to grind for specific chips too. Beneath that u cant use the same line every time again. You made city watch again one stage more unbeatable ( would rather use another verb… :kissing_closed_eyes:)

Ah ha! Just so. I missed the memo on that one or forgot about it. Kicking self because lots more Alice could be done. Checking through collections to see what else I missed :yum:

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