Today we’ll be releasing a small server update for Server 1 that contains the following changes:
- Medium Heist Difficulty: The Thief now has 10 Lives
- Hard Difficulty: Heroes now move at normal speed, but the Thief still has infinite Lives
- Fixed a bug where Thief stopped moving
- Hero Fight Wins are now capped at 100 per Heist
We are also working to fix a client issue where the “Fight” button becomes unresponsive in some cases after an Ambush. That fix will be in our next client update.
Folks on other servers have been asking when they will get to play the Heist. The short answer is: when it’s ready! We were initially focused on fixing a bugs and reducing the time to complete a Heist. Recently, we’ve been dialing in the difficulty: we want the harder levels to be more challenging, but also not take significantly longer. The feature has been progressing well and, at this point, is close to sharing on all servers. We’ll announce its release when it’s ready!