Do you think we HAVE to play your game?
With the last level caps and O1+O2, the pace to improve heroes is unbearably slow, simply BORING. Sometimes you need to farm 100 orange and 50 purple bits to make an only badge, and you only get 3 or even 2 bits out of 10 raids, which means you sometimes need 3 or 4 days to get A SINGLE BADGE OF A SINGLE HERO. Besides, instead of adding new bits to the existing ones in higher trial levels, you take the existing ones away and force us to play in lower levels to get e.g. these damned peaches.
On top of that, every four weeks you raise the cap, so everyone but whales gets behind.
And you don’t listen to people complaining about the frustrating and neverending way of promoting in Arena.
I’ve just been spending the monthly deal from the very beginning and spend little money from time to time. Now the game is simply boring and frustrating, and you are not clever enough to conceal your greed. Now at least 5-6 of my guildmates, top 10 in server 6, are leaving, me included. We can’t stand it anymore. This is a game, it should be fun, it isn’t anymore. Everything is too expensive. So we have decided that if the level cap is raised during the next three weeks, a good number of devoted players and regular spenders of my guild will move together to another cheaper and fairer game. You know? there are a lot of nice games where we’ll be happier and where someone will listen to ALL of us.
Good luck and goodbye.