Update 1.8 Patch Notes

@polaris is this retroactive? In that you will reward people with extra tokens if they have already completed these challenges?

Most of my individual challenges are already completed…

So when is this update happening?

Alice characters?? Where’s gravity falls, star vs the forces of evil or another movie or series characters :sob:

no one knows!!! okii

Well what the heck lol … @Polaris when is this happening? Do u have at least an estimate date?

no one knows i sound that!

but tomorrow or somewhere around that!

One question: you (@Polaris) said that a new sign-in hero was supposed to exist for March. Who was it going to be?

Polaris said before, they ran into trouble and it instead will be Jack.

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The question still relates, cuz they asking WHO it WAS going to be.


Something tells me it would have been Queen since she’s going to be the easiest to get.

Got it. Sorry for that.

@Polaris Will there be a future update that y’all will increase the hero lineup from 5 heroes to 6 heroes?

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Dat would be very interesting

I’ve actually been thinking about that it would allow for more support

sure nbut it would be to easy to play the game now

I could see it happening in certain new game modes but not in old game mode.

I imagine that as a perk only usable for Campaign and not outside that mode.

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I imagine Alice was going to be the sign in. Supports more often than not have been the sign in heroes. Case in point Mickey and Miguel were sign in. 1 control hero has been sign in with Tia, 1 tank with Maui and 1 damage with Aladdin. Note that these are heroes made as sign in on their release for servers 2-8 so Hades, Ralph, Sparrow and JJ did not count for that list.

This being said I believe Alice will be 1 star, Mad Hatter being VIP will more than likely be 3 star and Queen of Hearts I’m guessing will be 2 star. All sign in heroes are 1 star so if Alice was the supposed sign in she would have to be 1 star. All intial released VIP heroes have been 3 star with Buzz, Flynn, Stitch, Genie and Scar.

Queen of hearts being 2 star is the one I’m least sure on. As EC heroes have been the most inconsistent with stars. Heroes like Maleficent are 3* yet heroes like Elsa are 2 star and then heroes like Dash are 1* so no rhyme or reason to believe 2* for Queen of Hearts other than process of elimination.


Please don’t say that or PerGlue might consider it as players hoarding tokens and then next step they will incrase cost of buying 5 hero chips to 5k instead of 500

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