Update 1.8 Patch Notes

No! Just because you win a battle doesn’t mean you get gems immediately. @Polaris said that the amount of gems you get depends on the highest rank you got in the 24 hours between the time you get your arena/coli rewards to the next reward

Why raise the level cap so soon? You intentionally slow down the leveling, and then cater to the whales even more by letting them level up before everyone else has any hope of catching up? Lame.

The level 95-100 update was Novemeber 18th. 2.5 months later, we got 105. Now barely 5 weeks later you announce 110? Holy cow. Chill out, PB


Isn’t o4 too early for s1?? Apart from that very good update.

Think of the o4 badges man. How much difficult would they be to craft. I’m guessing 3 orange badges for 1 o4 :joy::joy:

Disagree @Rabazo. A level increase every 2-3 months is not that bad.

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It hasn’t been 2-3 months though. It has been 5 weeks. I personally like 2-3 month waits. That’s what I want now.


O3 came out on November 27 for s1, that was 3 months ago. i was off by one. O2 came out in November, o3 was in January.


^^ preach @stone43 preach!

Check the date on the 1.7 patch notes. Polaris posted them in January, and they list the 03 badges and 100-105 raise.

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The last level raise before that was November.

Level cap raise is only for server 1 by the way.

Uff. I’m not happy for this update in 14server… I’m waiting baymax, Moana and expecially Gaston! Please next time…

New characters seem be interesting… I hope to see soon Ariel or Mulan with mushu!

I’m not sure with Ariel and Aurora, but hey we have Belle on the upcoming list so who knows. Let’s see how creative PerBlue formulating those princesses (if it’s true). As for Jafar, I think that is also a good idea. Imagine that PerBlue release him near the live action movie this year? Now that is marketing lol I’m excited!

Please check patch notes for 1.7 update. I checked it that says o3 for s1 and it was on Feb 1. I think o2 came out on Nov 18 and that’s why o3 after around 2 months was satisfactory for me. This is too early.

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How come nobody has asked what day???
And I’m so greatful you guys are finally releasing these amazing characters! Disappointed no Cheshire cat but I still love Alice & Queen of hearts <3

Oh you are right. O2 was Nov27 with the 1.6 release. O3 was January 18 with 1.7. This is too soon. It feels like o3 has been out for a while because i have 42 heroes at o3 with full badges.

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Was the ios Bug fixxed ?!

If perblue is ready to increase they’re badge or level cap, then let them. They must have viable reasons. Some people only complain about that because they want to play catch-up.


I didn’t mind the cap increases so much prior to the skill and xp cost increase. But I literally have not even finished maxing my 2nd extra toon yet. The higher the cap the gold and xp is required but daily gold and xp only goes up so much with each level… At this rate I won’t be playing catch up, I’ll be playing falling behind.


I think PerBlue have the release cycle just right at ~34 days per level increase.

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