Update 1.8 Patch Notes

It comes later to the other servers the want to havd it observed further. We all hav eto wait😋
Stay Puff :v:

About changing defensive formations once only should also apply for coliseum, some players change formations letting their guild go up on Challengers and damaging everyone else since we don’t realize until late.

I think the update will be today. It said the update will begin before the next invasion, which happens every two days. The last invasion ended two days ago. Also @Polaris said that you get war chests for legendary league. The earliest to get to legendary rank is the fourteenth day of each month, so March 14. The update will occur before March 14 or today.

If @Polaris would respond to you I bet he’d say yes.

This is better actually.

I have plan to give up on this game although I became Champion and built good team cause of many annoyed thing and game become “pay to win” cause I take really long time to earn badge to equip. But hope this improvement will make everything better

@Polaris, do you have an ETA for the update to roll out?


Please stop asking when the update will he release. As he has already said multiple times. The approval process from Apple and google stores could take a few hours or a few days. It’s out of their control. When it is approved, they will tell us.


You are mistaken, since you need to win seven wars to reach legendary, so it would be on March 14th


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Pfft yax and felix I’m not happy its hiro bogo eve but better than yax felix

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You can reach legendary at any point in the entire season as long as you win 7 wars before the season ends.

They’re talking about the earliest you can reach it, and mentioned it would be on the 10th.

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Can you please explain this arena coli update. Sounds to me like people can just drop defence let everyone get no 1 and you all get 500 diamonds? Wheres the competition in that?

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I’m hoping for Wednesday update since I know they will have a 49.99 deal. I get paid tomorrow.

When will update plan?

So here for it ! And I’ll be waiting for Cheshire Cat to be add in the future! :grin:

Sure they could but then they wouldn’t be able to put their defense back up until the next day. People on this game are incredibly competitive. I highly doubt they’ll just let everyone get into first without a fight. Coliseum update will just allow you to earn a few tokens for defeating 1 or 2 lineups instead of getting to round 3 and losing. With arena we will not be allowed to change our defense but once per day. That’s it. There are people who constantly change their defense to make it harder for people to counter their team and win. This will prevent that.

Those deals are usually 24 hours though.

I wonder the same thing. I’m server 10

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