Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

While I agree with Invasion being way too time-consuming, mods are a HUGE power boost that you’re missing out on. Even +10 skill levels are enough for a sizeable boost, and it’s possible to add over 100 to a single skill.

EDIT to prove my point, here’s Jafar’s “Whirling Dervish” when fully maxed:

Jafar Blue  0

And here’s “Whirling Dervish” with +50 blue skill levels, which requires the amount of upgrade pieces from a single Invasion:

Jafar Blue  50

Last I checked, it’s possible to add up to 160 levels (40 per mod). Definitely not useless. :upside_down:


I feel the same way. I play the toons I like and don’t get caught up in spending money on the toon of the week. I don’t get as far as some, but I do okay, and I sure enjoy the game more knowing game play probably won’t be ruined by an update.

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Perhaps I should rephrase: it’s pointless to play Invasion.
If you can’t get high enough in tiers the rewards are functionally useless. Unless you have enough money to max out a team for each team trial color, you have no hope of making it far enough in Invasion for it to matter. You might be able to, if you get rid of your life.
Yeah, Mods are very helpful but only the most elite players actually have them at a level high enough that it any makes difference.

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A slightly dodgy tactic to reach the higher tiers is to use a single breaker and one hero against all of your guild mates’ mama bots. When they clear them you will get some of the rewards from that and you can potentially reach the mod upgrades through doing this.

Even +10 skill levels from a +1 advanced SP mod makes a big difference. And it’s not terribly hard to reach a minimum of tier 27, as long as you have good damage heroes built and a fairly active guild.
But I digress, wasn’t the entire point of you saying Invasion was worthless to argue why Gizmoduck’s nerf isn’t a big deal? Because that’s only proving the opposite point right now, he’s clearly valuable for making progress. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait so if QoH doesn’t shuffle with her white skill anymore, will she get a new animation for her white skill @Polaris for the attack speed increase?:thinking: Because if she still does this (photo) then she’ll look like she is summoning her cards


That’s not dodgy at all, without Gizmo that’s the best way to play invasion


Gizmo makes easy to max out tiers
And Save our time…I m not so good invasion…But Last day i made One million score in nearly 25 minutes .With Gizmo its not time consuming…
With other Invasion Stars …Its about time then


This isn’t the only game I play. This isn’t the only thing I do in my life. I shouldn’t have to have no plans all week if I want to accomplish something in INVASION ONLY. It’s better to focus on Both Challengers, Epic City Watch, Guild War, Upgrading Heroes, Friendship Campaigns, ETC.

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Wait… did you just suggest to ignore invasion at all?

:clap: Because it’s not that mods give huge power and decide who wins. :clap:
Mods are very important for any hero, and because it will take long… too long not all players will be able to reach tier 64. Gap will expand… bla bla bla.

Eh… whatever… nothing will return old Gizmoduck.


I’m disappointed in Gizmoduck’s nerf not because he didn’t need it but because by this point many players spent like $20 powering him up, many of which were very small spenders. He has been destroying invasion for months and had PB acted when they saw the data from, say, 12 weeks ago it would only be a handful of players affected.

As for the new Heroes and Queen Of Hearts, I’m very excited. Queen of hearts got love like no hero has to date, she has literally been moved from kinda useless to totally OP - which is great. What I would like to see now is a refresh on another poor performing hero but focussed on invasion, I really don’t want to return to Elastigirl and Mim every week.


Correct. You’re getting redundant.

Just on mods and invasions. Mods are given every invasion. Whether there good or not is another question. The upgrading needs to be altered and reworked in cost.

Invasions themselves needs to be more balanced so people can actually attempt the higher tiers. I’m only getting to 30 max because it gets a bit stupid.


Wakkatu is OP when you ask it about levels, it says that my Joy would give 2,8M reality per Happiness stack, while actually she gives

Well, these upgrades definitely are useful, but they aren’t so hard to get, fortunately, they are all on smaller tiers.


I once checked what would happen if Felix’s Purple had 160 bonus levels and it was in the millions.

Anyone else wondering why they arent a duo?

mods works somehow different.
don’t trust wakkatu about it.


I know. I was providing another example.



Can’t translate this, guys!

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