Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

I would get the single mod offered every week, but not playing Invasion is also a statement.
If unbalanced poorly made crap is pushed out, I won’t play it.

Been playing almost 2 months maxed level 2 in weeks challenger areana and coli top 5 invation

Top of every contest top 10-1% cosmetic level still 3

You all have big %bonus in every stat
How on earth can i even catchup or compete with that also not getting mods now?

how will f2p players catch up?

Think about it

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That’s what Gizmo was for. Once his Duke disk was maxed out, you could go on limitlessly.

Ok… so Invasion isn’t useless.

No, you just need to keep a few heroes like Stitch (Ma) and Animal (Go) at a usable level. And you need three teams for Coliseum anyways, so :man_shrugging:


…yeah it’s complicated. The rewards aren’t useless. But they are effectively useless without the rest of the rewards, which as stated before are incredibly unattainable.

Once again, more of a statement. I know there are INCREDIBLY SPECIFIC CHARACTERS that make it WAY easier. But it shouldn’t be a “This one set of characters is how you win” there should be more options for who to use… oh wait… WE HAVE 100+ HEROES. Not playing Invasion is a statement that broken gameplay like that isn’t right.

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If u reach tier 37 where u get 90 upgrade pieces in total.They are very useful.
You can advance the mod to maybe +3 and then add a upgrade.The higher tier rewards are only for further advance of mods. Those rewards are not effectively useless.They are useful without the other rewards

Ur Concluding that All hero should be equal :man_facepalming:
All heroes have diff skills , They will have diff impact on mama…Some heroes are good at invasion, others are good At heist ,campaign
Stitch isnt that good in campaigns in front of these much OP toons, but he find usefulness in invasion

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Please @Polaris the problem with Gizmoduck is not with his green skill, but his Duke friendship disc. If the enemy’s level is high enough, the effectiveness of the green skill will diminish. However, what is happening now is that his Duke’s disc is stealing 50% armour from all enemies, INCLUDING the enemy initially targetted, which I am sure was not the original intention. So the Duke disc bypasses the level restriction of the green skill, and this is what some players are exploiting in Invasion. I would not be surprised if, even after the update and the armour steal cap on Gizmoduck, people are still going to able to exploit Gizmoduck because of his Duke disc.
How to fix the issue: Reprogram Duke’s disc so that it only steals 50% armour from all other enemies, not the enemy being targetted. Leave the green skill alone.
I used Gizmoduck last Red Invasion without Duke’s disc. His damage on his own wasn’t fantastic, but with the right team and correct timing, i can defeat high-level mama bots with one breaker only.
So @Polaris please don’t change anything about the green skill because it will not solve anything. It’s his Duke’s disc that is broken. There are other characters without damage caps out there that you haven’t fixed yet, but they at least make completing invasion easier and more enjoyable. #nogizmonerf

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What is ironic is that you want to nerf Duke disk :roll_eyes:

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There’s nearly double the amount of tiers, some like to progress and not gain… the balancing on invasion on that respect is out of whack. Needs adjusting and reevaluating…

Away from invasion, game modes like city watch needs less difficulties , i dont really understand why there’s 4 difficulties and I don’t understand why this point in game, we have to earn tickets to sweep them… reducing the amount of difficulties to normal and the key version is much more satisfactory as you earn in normal and spend in key mode to earn red skills. Maximising the gold in both modes throughout… they could even make both modes available and do away with keys, just make it the key mode on a lockout basis.

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It is the purpose of this disk :woman_facepalming:


Haha yeah now that you mentioned it #nogizmogreenskillnerf

Please… don’t even encourage a single nerf…


Gizmo ll be pretty trash after his nerf


We should take advantage of the first day and a half of Invasion

Here’s hoping for delays :crossed_fingers:


Obviously We ll do as much we can on starting days
Big Wishes Update get delays for some reason
More delay, more gizmo action

Well logically, you have a skill that steals armour, and the friendship disc adds on to the skill by allowing you to target multiple targets instead of one, which i believe was the intention. The issue is that it is worded poorly, “steal 50% from all enemies” will include the targetted enemy, and with no level restrictions, allows this disc to be abused.
As I said earlier, if the armour steal cap goes ahead as written, there should still be no noticeable nerf in Gizmoduck’s abilities because the main issue was not addressed. If Perblue wanted to stop Gizmoduck abuse, and they don’t do anything with Duke’s disc, they failed big time.

Isn’t that a good thing, though? Explain


Skill is the priority.
If skill will have mentioned cap disk won’t bypass it.

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Did anyone notice Qoh’s white skill?

I already addressed an issue with the performance of it when it changes Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

Noticed what?

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