Update 2.2.01-A Patch Notes

Yeppers…4 weeks is too much…
Players cant keep with it! Too many characters .
As F2p…I dont get like even 50k per month…And
A r11 badge takes 10k stamina…5 badges per month
By this rate i can understand how slowly like a snail i can go and how far i ll go…
And how much behind.
Rip off


So cutted off my commets…yeah my bad.
I’m so sorry about my rude comments and my eng grammars but actz im not a american just one of the disney big fan from the south korea. So my conclusion is this. “can u guys give us the respect and trust…?” It just simple thing that we want

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Especially from you @Polaris


Just being honest
The patch notes lately have kinda sucked
We get them basically every WEEK or 2
And they usually only have 1 or 2 heroes
The heroes are good, but we need more content

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Also no bug fix regarding the fact that S2 surge hasn’t rewarded gold or surge coins the past few days? Could at least fix that so players can receive at least a little gold to try and keep up with the newest cap…


:rofl::rofl::rofl: Amazing work pb.

That update really gonna close the gab between f2p and p2w :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Another amazing work like you did in state of the game :joy::joy:

It must be really hard to improve invasion ( scale some f… Numbers new ingame) that you need so much time,

But atleast the cap raise works as usual,

Keep going :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Please settle down. We just did a big update last week, and 2.2.10 is wrapping up development right now, with patch notes coming next Friday.

This is only a server update, so we can’t throw in new red skills or heroes (which require a full store update).


Understand that we don’t want new updates so soon!!! What we want is for us to catch up, we barely reach the maximum level and you’re getting more!!! What’s wrong with you guys??? And I hope they won’t remark my comment, as the other one marked it to me just for telling them the truth. Take it and accept it!


No, there is no settling down. This is exactly what people were talking about. About the cap raises and such. Do you really expect us to stay quiet after the state of the game and you guys saying you were trying to bridge the gap? With all due respect…I don’t really think this going to help at all bridge the gap. At least mentioning the fix with the surge rewards in s2 would have been great. Or at least increasing the gold we get in ports or something to show that you guys actually listen and take action. Otherwise…don’t ask us to settle down cause we’ve been asking for months with little or no response…and…as others mentioned before…our patience has grown thin.


The notes were released two weeks ago. And what was PB doing behind the scenes on S2 that has kept us from getting gold for the last two days? There was no notice on an update earlier this week. So what happened that this is now different? Are you guys changing things behind the scenes without telling us?


So, essentially speaking, this particular patch only exists because of the refusal to depart from the 4 week level increase routine.

Sorry if I seem rude about this, but I REALLY don’t consider that much of an explanation, seeing as they could have A: held back this update untill there was more to offer, OR B: held back the previous one and add it to this.

As is, the majority of the negative responses are directly caused by monstrously questionable timing.


Huh, but we had before new hero releases without full store update. :thinking:
Why not now?


Many heros got released without store updating

I thought your intentions were to close the gap in s21-22
This doesnt help that narrative


And who are these heroes exactly?

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They were already in the game (but hidden) and ready to be released.

I know having only a cap and rarity raise in this update is disappointing, but this does happen every 4 weeks, and will continue to happen every 4 weeks. It’s unfortunate that it didn’t line up with another update. The 2.2.10 update does have a lot of the things you’ve been asking about, so there’s something to look forward to!


Yeah, I think most of the disappointment from this patch comes from the fact that we were expecting update 2.2.10 patch notes to be posted today. Especially since it has been anticipated to be such a good one.

But it’s okay, if it’s really good we can wait one more week…


Ok, that I can believe because it’s the only way how it could work, makes sense, so huh, the dog isn’t in-game (even hidden) yet.

Now just to wait 7 days…


Jumpa and pleakly are most recent

(Examples for heros that didnt come with a shop refresh)

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Literally a cap raise update


tbh i rarely comment but man i really was wanting a red skill, i agree with everyone so lame.

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