Update 2.4.10 Known Issues

Because more often than not it screws you over and 4 heroes are wasted on nothing…

Surge seems bugged. No rewards and no regular ending old surge windows

It’s there after restarting the game

@Polaris the game feels very irresponsive. Many taps take like 1-2 seconds before something “happens”. It wasn´t like that before the update for sure.


This bug happens (for me) only on screen with Shang’s badges, weird bug.

also have noticed this, it’s especially bad in the Badges screen on heroes, and in trials (though it’s been an issue in trials for quite some time).


OK, so it’s not just me and my “cheap” Galaxy Tab. Yeah, the game has definitely felt a lot less responsive the past few days, and crashing more often as well.

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I know I usually dismiss Power Crafting “bugs”, but this seems valid - why is my Power Craft raiding the lower of the two available battles? There’s no advantage to be gained from it.

Available battles:

Power Craft result (this loot is from chapter 19):

Chapter 25 battle:

I actually would want to raid the chapter 25 battle, to stock up on eye jar things at the same time. Why does Power Crafting object? :frowning_face:


If your desired character needs the Eye badge AND Bayou Boogie, then it raids chapter 25. If not, it raids 19.

Personally, I would make it so in that screen it shows other characters needs as well. So if you need that badge there it still crafts chapter 25.
@Polaris Possibly a QoL update chance? Something like what is done in Badge Bazaar for all the characters done in Raiding for a solo character?
Oh and I feel like Badge Bazaar shouldn´t show badges for non-promoted characters (aka the next rank for them if they are fully equipped by badges).

Aladdin killed Powerline before Powerline even entered battle:



It’s probably to do with the sheer weight of assets that need to be loaded any time someone checks out the trials difficulty, or tries to load up a complex badge to view on the hero screen.

Surely the code for this can be optimised somehow to cut down on the requests / load less stuff

Yeah, but why 19? I thought the original documentation was that if there were no secondary bits required by that hero, it would raid the most efficient level - ie. the highest, discounting additional stamina costs. That would be chapter 25 :man_shrugging:

It used to do this, but was removed as a very strange (IMO) quality of life “improvement” :frowning_face:

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Very strange and unhelpful QoL then. The Badge Bazaar one does worry me though since I don´t want to raise those characters at all. Could be a toggle probably.

@The-Pumpkin-King What mode is this combat?

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This issue may be limited to arena/coliseum but since you decided to nerf Ian by making his blue skill a debuff I’m finding Maximus bounces back within a second of it acting on him. If white skills are disabled (based on the poorly written 100% less energy gain rule). Then maximus’s shouldn’t have remaining hardy for the entire 90 seconds to repeatedly block it.
Sorry I cannot post video because I ran out of attempts.

You mean disable…

All disables are debuffs. Hardy blocks all debuffs, I.e. freezes, stuns, scares, slows, and magora gantuan

Yes, but no.

When Ian’s shrink was a debuff (and not counted as a disable), it could not be evaded or reduced by tenacity. But since it now counts as a disable… it can be evaded and reduced by tenacity :grimacing:

Instead of nerfing little purple kitty, PB indirectly made it stronger :eyes:


My heroes stood still today, didnt continue fighting Davy after his chest disappeared. This was in Arena Challenger

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