Update 2.7 Known Issues

Just one last thing to ask @Polaris

Could there be specific topics “Player Suggestions: name of a mode”, where we could post ideas regarding the modes?

I think it could simplify the reviewing process of the team if you could just pass such suggestions from few topics than the entirety of forum.

Hey I don’t have the problem myself with invasion but I care about my lower members which struggle even to play invasion… and i wanted to say it no matter if Polaris answer or not I hope they think about in the future!

@Polaris Thank you for the update guys, you locked us in a war causing us to fail in a very important one. Thank you… :rage:

Yeah the original time of 11:30 would have been much better, luckily it didn’t matter in our war but we did lose out on some Surge gold :man_facepalming:


Sorry @Polaris, one other bug that I forgot to mention yesterday.

I have all music/sound turned off on the game (sorry, I know I’m crazy right?), and whenever I try to play music through my phone or tablet while playing the game I get static noises.

In other words, even though all sounds/music are turned off on the game, when I try to play the game and listen to music through Phone or tablet music player, the music gets distorted by this game.

Thanks for “listening”… :wink:

I’m sorry about the timing of the update. I’ll be sure that we’re more careful about the timing in the future.


I had to log into the game, log out & back in again in order to receive my Surge rewards for today :man_shrugging:

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Nothing can be done about the war? We would´ve been in Silver, be it not for the update.

Someone is flagging posts in the thread about this issue there is nothing wrong with what we have said

Also had a bug were every hero apart from the opponents beast were not able to move. Nothing was happening my king Loui monkeys were just stuck in the air doing nothing.

I have a video recorded but can’t post it as it’s the wrong file type

Because I am really considering dropping off the top and just swimming around. Because too much harm is being done there. @Polaris
My love for Jack Sparrow just isn´t enough for me to keep spending on a game that harms me or my guildmates. The update-war thing was really just a big anger/sadness tear being boiled while falling.

I am doing my best to gather up some energy to continue playing, but the blows happen too often.

Something that has been happening quite a lot recently (to me and to others, apparently still is) is a problem with Power Craft. @Polaris
It takes Gold and Stamina, then says Invalid loot and have to go through again. Unsure whether it actually takes away Gold and Stamina multiple times or returns with each Invalid loot appearance.

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You can upload videos here and paste the link into Discourse to get a little embedded player - Upload Video - Streamable

Hope this works then

Cool it worked so what’s happening here it’s completely broke


I see the issue here. Pleakley’s mosquitos must have been applied after the Beast use berserk, and they are dealing so much damage his HP is practically depleted. But since he is berserk, he just gains full energy (units gain energy for the amount of damage taken), spamming his active forever, but battles always pause for a split second (except the unit which activated their active) whenever someone uses their active.

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I happens all the time same team I’ll post a full battle this time in slow wait a minute

Here you go

Funny thing is this mode is meant to be auto I clicked on Maximus portrait and it used his white skill which got me out of this lock

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You can click the portrait a split second before Auto launches it to launch it sooner :wink: That´s a known fact, at least to me.

@UnCany This interference has been affecting podcasts and music since I started playing. I thought it was just a setting I could not find. If it is a bug I hope it can be fixed.

I have been doing that for days after update… Good to know it is not just me

Invasion seems to be bogging down. I am getting a message in the game there has been an error and we are working on it. The game is slowing down to the point it cannot be played. Phone has plenty of memory iOS is up to date. I have restarted the phone but it happens again. This, so far, is not happening elsewhere in the game.

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