Challenger Season rules should be updated for next week now!
Polaris, Can you at least say what would be the Challenger Season rule of this week?
That doesn’t make sense, there is already a place for crates.
RIP Fountain of Youth
It looks to me like it’s one one of those situations where the third player has – ranking because he hadn’t made any attacks and therefore should not promote, but the fourth player has EARNED 0 points by actually attacking and failing completely, so if he can stay in copper with 0 points, he could promote.
Me quitaron a Elsa pq abrí un cofre de diamante de expediciones pero cuando la iba a mejorar me salió que solo tenía 5 fichas pero yo si la libere completa como arreglo eso
hmm yeah probably - the system should still place the 4th player in 3rd, then, above the one who’s not attacked
It really looks like FG’s and Hamm deals were released by mistake and it should be Wasabi’s deals.
Wrong hero in the deal. We’re going to leave that one up and put up the correct Hamm Deal there.
Most likely a bug, Raymond saw a similar bug