Update 3.1 Patch Notes

I think I have decided.

Since Junior Woodchucks are 70 years this year and want to honor Junior Woodchuck 70th anniversary, I think I want to get Russell and Kevin up if they end up being good in practice :-).
I also have Huey, Dewey and Louie good so getting their friendship shouldn’t be that hard.

Really want to read that Friendship Campaign ^^.
Too bad the Friendship Missions haven’t been brought back yet, would have been super cool to read more stories like the missions had.

But yeah, we will see on if Russell and Kevin are good in practice, and hopefully they are :-).

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The story? Or the real life organisation?

I don’t think they will be back for new heroes actually. Only for the ones that once had them. Right?

THANK YOU FOR THIS!! I NEEDED THIS!! Only, im vip 4…not 5 :sob::sob::triumph::triumph:

The original story that first featured Junior Woodchucks :-).
Junior Woodchucks | Disney Wiki | Fandom

As for Friendship Mission stories coming back I think they could do a reduced version for new characters like 3-4 per friendship as that would mean 6-8 Friendship Missions per character which would be a huge reduction from 8 per friendship and 16 Friendship per character, like half or under half the amount.

As for the Friendship Missions overall they haven’t promised to give Friendship Missions to characters post-Friendship Refresh, but I think at least with a reduced amount it should at least be more doable :-).

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If you struggle a lot with keeping up badge wise I recommend you checking out the Badge Drop Chart as it should help you be able to keep up with badges, since you can more easily see which stage drop what badges and as such can make sure you are getting more badges you need at once :-).
[Badge Drop Charts]: Chapter 1-31 badge placing in the campaign

Here are some of the badge grind spots in the game so that you can more easily see which stages are the best grind spots :-).

Hope this can help you ^^.


Moi aussi. Et le prochain héros sera Daisy Duck

C’est faux :man_facepalming:

Tu penses à qui alors ?


Russell était le dernier des héros dataminée.

Daisy n’a jamais été dataminée.

Affaire à suivre … :wink:



Il existe un serveur Discord pour le datamining et Daisy n’a jamais été trouvé. Celui qui l’a édité a menti.

C’est possible… ce serait la première fois mais 1 fois n’est pas coutume. Je suis curieux du discord. Tu as un lien @ ?

Je ne pense pas que ce serait la première fois

En tout cas depuis que j’ai découvert ce site il y a quelques mois, ils n’ont certes pas annoncés tous les nouveaux héros mais ceux qu’ils ont cités sont toujours arrivés … parfois plusieurs semaines après (comme Kim possible)

Merci pour le lien :blush:

Oh wow!! This is great. Thank you!! :grin:

Okay I don’t understand French but what is going on?

@Ludush thought that Daisy Duck was dataminated

Was that a joke or fake because I never trust the wiki?

We’ll never know when she’ll come and also If anyone knows don’t spoil

Same here sometimes because it be posting the next hero’s but then most of them don’t come

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