Update 3.3 Known Issues

I wouldn’t necessarily call this a ‘bug’ or an ‘issue’, but is there any reason why the banner detailing Lilo’s changes is still up? :sweat_smile:


Ok i understand my server sucks and is the worst.

@Loutre @Polaris Hello there
First have a :cookie: :cookie:

Second regarding the prize wall it seems that the Hex color for the stage (2 times on the picture) is not taken into account for some reason (I’m on an Android phone if that can help solve the problem).

Third regarding the little event pink “!”, it’s not disappearing after clicking on all the events. Events

Thanks in advance, have a nice day and sorry if it was already mentioned above.

  • Currently, Loutre is absent. You can only talk to Polaris

Now it’s weekend, so none of them would be available until Monday… in which Loutre returns anyways.


Yep I have a kid feeling really let down. I paid some money on her account so she didn’t have to be slow and could raid and not watch videos. She got loads of red heroes and played everyday. Update comes and she can’t play ( again) but this time even longer . You get the same rubbish “ please be patient yadda yadda , it’s amazons fault not ours” it’s rubbish and I know why you do it.

I won’t be dipping into my account no more

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Apparently everybody is on vacation with no update in the Amazon store

I was just about to mention this…

How many days in a row will i fall for it and press on the tapjoy :rofl:


It won’t show Lilo’s Prize wall when I click it


Likely due to the overlap with the menu, so maybe try to click on the sides of the icon in case that makes it more likely it register that you intend to access the Prize Wall.

You can also access the Prize Wall from the event lineup tab :-).


…do you know how the process works?

PerBlue submits the update to app stores (Apple, Google, Amazon), the companies accept the update, the companies make the updates available on their app stores.

PB has no control over this process. And if they did, they would have no reason to keep the update from Amazon users, because it wouldn’t be profitable.


Thank you Kira. I can access it now from the event tab.

Hi polaris
I had the known issue about heist medal reset and some mates too. We have sent tickets about it a few days ago when we saw that.
You said the team investigate on it. Ok good.
But why are our data still not restored ?
It should be quite easy to make an UPDATE sentence for that with the database dump made before the upgrade (because as you are professionnal, I assume you save data before each update but maybe i’m wrong…).

  • Today is the weekend, They’re not present at PerBlue. You can send it on Monday.

Just to say @Loutre @Polaris if you come back in Monday, I figured out Basil´s bug.

Apparently the only thing that´s preventing him from performing normally is the fact that he doesn´t study with his white skill - darts. That´s why purple skill is not working at all.

Codebase with Study weakness helped to understand this. Although you maybe know this already. If so, forget I said anything.

You don’t know how it works

Yes he does…

That’s how it works.


I just noticed that there has been a crash once you clear the third stage of a level. We need a compensation!

…a single instance of crashing is not worthy of a compensation :man_facepalming:

Anyways, the crashing occurs when using certain heroes

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