Update 3.4.10 Patch Notes

Ayo! Please fix the bug where I can’t buy staminas if my stamina is above the limit

…that’s not a bug


Lol, I can buy save a lot of stamina up to 40k even though my stamina limit is just 500 and now I can’t do that anymore

Bruhhh I just got them to 6 stars yesterday and now they’re saying they will nerf them…it sucks

How long will it last then?

Btw, I hoped you guys would at least increase the drop of current team trials… They are the oldest feature of the game and have gotten outdated a long time ago… @Loutre, any idea if the team could do this?


I’m not a Basil fan (at least not in this game) but after people requesting and waiting for so long for his refresh and this is what they get???

You guys surely don’t do them and Basil justice!!!

And here I thought, Kim got a horrible refresh…



YAY, another character from Hercules!


lt would be nice if they added Phil, Pegasus and Pain & Panic too!


Yet one of you guys said that you would look into it? :thinking:
Clearly y’all have forgotten them if you have no plans for them currently :unamused:


Basil’s kit was what was going against him, not his stats… And also nerfing a skill in a “rework” is really stupid.
Way to go Perblue.

Here’s Basil’s current purple skill, taken directly from the game:

The “adjustment” doesn’t actually take away anything from the skill (unless it lowers the amount of energy Basil gets, which we don’t know yet); rather, it adds a way to block studies from (so far) three characters, and gives Basil more energy if an opposing Tank is studied. (It’s also possible that the level requirement has been removed, though I suspect that it was just left out of the patch notes by mistake.)

I mean, given how Basil’s critics say that his white skill is a crippling weakness for him, I can understand you arguing that giving him more energy is a de facto nerf, but I think it would be clearer to actually state that as the reason why you believe he’s being nerfed.

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Sorry, should of specified.
I’m assuming that they added extra energy to the skill, which would be a nerf.
If they left it untouched or even reduced it then I take that back.


I am a community member. I am not a staff member :roll_eyes:


…are you kidding? Of course it does! It gives tons of buffs and gives toons things they usually don’t have like a shield or crits! Also it really boosts attacks sky high and if you have someone who has not much hp there’s the one that gives lots of hp! My shego has 2 that boost her attack strength and attack speed while the other 2 boost her hp up while giving her armor and a shield!

I think we have enough toy story characters


And PB said he is (thankfully) impossible to be added due to license.
and what you said, I hope new TS characters will never get added.


That is true, even though they got slinky dog.

they never said he was a problem.

That doesn’t mean he wasn’t :man_shrugging:

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