Update 3.4 Known Issues

Uncertain where Server14 fits in, we’re not that high yet.

Meg - Ariel link is a bit… odd.
Same for Gerald.

On hero selection Ariel appears as most front hero.

Ariel’s Purple Skill is supposed to not be shown as a buff but instead being a passive which cannot be removed?
If so, why not Joy’s red skill?

I thought creep surge gold was only being lowered for districts over 10M in power?

For comparison, here’s the next-lower district, which is still giving a little less gold than before although it’s very close:

Any reason the Skill Chips from Elite Campaign event wasn’t given for so long now?

After first it was added it appeared approximately once per month, for each cap rise, but as for now it didn’t for 2 months now. Why?
It’s hard enough to keep up with red skills, now it’s impossible.


The app seems very glitchy to me over the past few updates. I’ve notice my phone force closing the game and the screen freezing/not being responsive to touch more and more. Is anyone else noticing this?


The problem happened to me from time to time too. But I saw it as a problem only for my machine.
I never thought there was a problem with the game.

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1, 2, 5: 265 → 270 (Y6 → Y7)
14: 245 → 250 (Y2 → Y3)
18 (19 merged): 230 → 235 (R19 → Y0)
21-24: 205 → 210 (R14 → R15)


1-5 … 14 … 18 … 21-24
almost mirrored, don’t you think? If 18 had the November cap raise delayed we would have 275, 255, 235 and 215… all 20 levels and 4 ranks apart.


@Loutre Is the creep surge gold reduction in districts close to but below 10M in power intentional, or is there an issue with the scaling around that level?

It happens fairly frequently in my personal experience.
The force closure is preceding by the game slowing down (literally, I see the animations reduce in speed), often accompanied by a chugging sound.

I think it’s something to do with many players making demands on the remote hosting server to activate many simultaneous tasks and it can’t handle that level of data output.

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So when Gadget will get her final stats and spotlight?

It’s less than 24h for her to become unlockable.


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Checked with the team and what you’re seeing is correct.

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Checked with the team and it’s set to be up in 18 minutes.


Hmmm… are the Gadget’s stats which are now are correct?

Because they didn’t change since…


So now I am bit confused.

And any update on Ariel’s link from Meg?

I’ve already stated that I will not respond to or confirm datamined numbers as they are always possibly not real and not finalized. Do not bring up datamined numbers again, thank you.


So is this right? @Loutre

Yes, her stats for her spotlight are correct.


So when is Ariel getting more SP @Loutre? :thinking:

Gadget gets way more than Ariel and she’s an older hero

2M SP is nothing… Helga gets 5M :roll_eyes:
And that bonus damage is laughable.

Besides other Gadget’s disk is this…

Same for all the recent heals and bonus damage in recent disks, and SP from Bolt’s Cheshire disk.

By few days… but yes, amounts should be similar.

@Loutre Can y’all please add one more chip to the guild gift… it’s less than buying a regular $5 deal


True should be 2+13 not 2+12.

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