Update 3.4 Patch Notes

Well, more.

As everyone knew what comes next.

Now nobody knows, and old heroes getting their hands on these crates make them useless.

Same with diamond crate.

Like… PB @Loutre, stop pushing to annoying level wall prize. Other things such crates needs new heroes as well.

What’s next? Sign-in for November will be Fred?

Guild Crate is one of the best ways (if not THE best) to get chips for heroes, so I’d really rather that Guild Crate not be circumvented.


Well, you gotta navigate the forest now.

Hardly even.

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Indeed, however as we’ve mentioned before this is an issue rooted elsewhere (stamina) rather than being as simple as ‘we earn too much gold’.

It’s also directly tied to actual player power, as people with more power (hence who have generally spent more) can do more work in Surge.

I doubt this change will have much significant effect, tbh, but the logic of it is questionable.


High-level Surge needed a gold hit, but that’s not where the gold idiocy is located.

That would be high-level Invasion Breaker fights. Just remove gold from Breaker rewards, and voila!

I just hope that Gadget will appear in new game icon.

This will attract quite a lot of players… from a certain place. :eyes:


Wow! Definitely a great patch notes! Both of the new heroes art styles are perfect!

Ariel’s skills icons will be perfect profile pictures too!

Some actual feedback…

People have already been over this, it is “Private” messaging. Some people’s vocabulary is more explicit, I suppose it’s fine, unless can you be punished with for saying these things in pms? Not everyone checks patches and that could be troublesome.

Do not tell me gold crates are going to be given out in events if it can go to the inventory…

Other then those two things amazing patch!

You can then pretty much limit the Breaker fights in an instant. Lol.

Still no word on this @Loutre

What will be the nature of Gold Crates now? We’re all waiting…

Colette in shop again? I thought Ariel Friendship with Moana :confused:

Other then the two new toons, and changing of toons more often …. another disappointment patch Notes in my eyes .

-No new guild perks again despite being promised more.

  • you taking away more gold from players Becuase your “data” says so (sorry most people don’t believe your data collection based on what they see on game going on, you want us to believe it , be more transparent and post it. People also tend to collect more gold Becuase they need it with every update as mercs and skills points getting more expensive). It’s only an issue Becuase you ignore the root issues people been posting for over a year like pip said. Most of us think your “data” = your wallets. If was more balanced overall the “data” be probably be more, but it’s too much one sided and continually gets worse. If this going to be the case then just cap the amount of city surge power for an opposing team to 10m for an area then.

-there no need to censor words in private chats and should only be a tos item in public chats only . Should be a on/off switch if people are offended by them. To me they sentence enhancers not foul language . So many more important things should be looked into then this, this is petty.

I seriously think you guys want to chase your players away with every update (especially when reading some of the storyline in campaign I think you secretly trying to tell us u agree too). Please change your priorities of new ranks and colors with increase game costs, so you can make more money from more player satisfaction. I know a lot of whales are so dissapointed with their spending that they are stopping Becuase they can’t enjoy their investments Becuase they just have to do it again every month. State of game said wanted to do things for health of the game of activity, things like taking away more resources is the complete opposite of this agenda.


What glitch are you referring to?

I’m 95% sure that double/triple port events will be returning, now that PerBlue has taken a step to reduce the amount of gold from Creep Surge. (I’m also 99.99% certain that the port events won’t be enough to make up for the loss in gold, but hey, we’ll have port events again, and a chance for more XP, at least.)

Signal-boosting this comment, as this is one of the main things I currently find annoying about the game.

I’m curious about how you calculated that amount. From my experience, leveling up a hero’s 4 non-red skills from level 260 to level 265 costs about 19.3M; even adding in red skills and assuming you’re leveling up your entire roster, I don’t see how it could cost 6 billion, so I can only guess you’re referring to something other than leveling up your top heroes after a cap raise.

Yes, but I think it’s clear now that PerBlue isn’t interested in addressing stamina issues beyond the scaling that was implemented, what, a bit over a year ago? :man_shrugging:

If the problem is concentrated in the hands of the few dozen players who spend literal hours farming breaker fights for gold, then yes, this would definitely help address it. (And depending on how severe the gold reduction in creep surge is, it might convince more players to start grinding in invasion for tedious hours on end…)

They’re a private, for-profit company (i.e., not the government) running a game that has a lot of underage players; while I doubt that censoring PMs is the best move, I think they have a right to do so. But I will say that I think @Captain_C has a better solution here, allowing players to choose whether they want PMs censored.


Glad to see Ariel and Gadget Hackwrench!


XP is what we are planning on looking into next.



Jokes aside, it’s great Ariel joined. And Gadget. AND they’re both gonna be handed to us essentially! The character rotations are great too! Ngl I was not expecting the prize wall to be such a common occurrence. Not that I’m complaining.

I’m not sure what this question is? The Gold Crates will be the same there is just an option now if they go into your inventory to have open 100. We’re also looking into making a buy 100 option.


This is b.s. the lowest district in my guilds surge averages 20m power. Surge was revamped to give better rewards, and once again when we have nice rewards, someone decides the players should be punished instead amd take away the nice things.


But they’ve never been in our inventory :confused:


Right now there is no way of achieving that. And if there even is, it’s painful as all hell and just makes that “open 100” that was added an utter joke. Waste of time.

Unless you plan to include Gold Crate Items in Contests or any other mode. In which case… EWWWWWWWWWWWW!


When will the purple screen go away

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