Update 5.1 Patch Notes

It’s not a new chapter, they’re just updating the heroes available in Elite Campaign for that chapter.


It’s nice to know I can get Luca and Alberto from the wish crate now.


No way yes finally another Darkwing Duck character NegaDuck by the way can Darkwing Duck’s daughter Gosalyn get added too or no


Hopefully the Owl house and Amphibia get added soon


Still no news on guild perks after all this time? That’s sad…


I’ll only be disappointed if he doesn’t saw a toon in half lol


First Jake long from American Dragon Jake long and now NegaDuck from Darkwing Duck any plans on the Owl house and Amphibia yet

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for while I’ll see Darkwing Duck unitl next week to begin prize wall. right now for me. try level up to Darkwing Duck and rest. max skill level.

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Waldorf: Say, do you think we have doppelgangers like Negaduck?

Statler: You old fool, as if one Darkwing Duck was enough. What makes you think we would ever want another one of each other?

Waldorf: You’re probably right. You can’t beat the original.

(The doppelgangers of Statler and Waldorf walk in the booth)

Doppelganger Waldorf: Well, I wouldn’t say that.

(The startled duo look at each other in bewilderment)


That’s what I need!!




Consider this new Hero, Negaduck, crossed out off my Hero Wishlist, Disney Channel Edition!


Heh, that’s really funny, and a nice one too.:laughing:



Big Hero 6 has for a long time been my favourite franshise and I have upgrade a few of them to the max.

Very nice to see Go go and Fred being refreshed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Highly requested and very nice to see coming to the game!

Time for me to open some Red Skill Chip crates that are still there cause they are too many to open right now.

So the 100 was released a bit too early :wink:

Kinda sad only got to 95 for my server, but still a big improvement from 65 we have now.

Can someone elaborate what exactly this means?

Poor Abu


Didn’t expect him


Please say you’re increasing her evasion, it doesn’t work anymore!


Cool very cool :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

I think that they brought back previous franchises in this patch season because it’s going to be smaller than the previous.


Thoughts on Patch Notes:

Negaduck looks OP and broken, similar to Abu which is causing so much glitches in the game and really making it less enjoyable to play.

Glad that this is slightly decreasing as the cost of patches are out of control at the moment and we are still trying to get the last season’s patches unlocked.

Will wait for the numbers to be confirmed before making any remarks, but hopefully there are some good heroes making a comeback to diversify the meta.

Unsure what this is, so will wait and see.


Very helpful!

no comment

what exactly has changed? All the changes are just on rewards for invasion

Not sure what this is

So servers 21 and 25 will have to wait another 7 months to get the benefit of this? How fun…

Good to see some bugs fixed. However, there are still way too many bugs in the game and on the Roadmap so very disappointed that none of these were addressed.
Joy is also getting a refresh, impacting her red skill but it is still not working correctly - so why?

When is Tiana moving out of IAP?

Overall, disappointed with the content in this update honestly.
No mention of the following areas, which means another 4 weeks before any of these have a chance to be addressed:

  • guild perks
  • friend stamina adjustments - your solution to this was just to add friendship stamina to all deals it seems - which is really just irritating everyone
  • no rounding or display updates for big numbers - which is really demotivating
  • no update for the token shop costs
  • no update for stamina soft cap
  • no update on megabits costs or patches costs
  • no update on red skill costs and hero chip economy
  • updating the rewards from diamond crates and guild crates
  • no mention of new collections coming

We are getting to yet another rarity, but red and yellow rarity costs and scaling is still 3 years old, and we get the same rewards from diamond crates we got 4 years ago.
I have given feedback on “Toxic” rarity already, so won’t go into that again, but the team should really have rather focused on fixing what we already have, and making it more enjoyable for players than to create this complex chaos of “Toxic” rarity that no one is going to understand.


It’s a good patch notes sam

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