Update 5.1 Patch Notes

As Pipsqueak said, it’s great that we’re getting more mod levels, but it’ll cost a LOT to upgrade. We need to probably switch to another hero to upgrade (or if we have enough chips, upgrade the current).

I barely have enough mod fragments to upgrade maybe 6-10 heroes with 4 ideal mods and I’ve been playing 2.5 years. There’s no way to get enough!!! Especially green and attack speed. I wish we could get thousands of green, blue, and purple. If the last two levels cost 70 and 100, then +5 and +6 will be even more expensive!


No cap increase with this update, just an update on the heroes available in the newest Elite chapters. You’re spared further beatings until next week.


Sweet we got a new cleanse counter with the new decay debuff. I don’t know about you guys but, buff and debuff counters in the game are kinda my thing know.


Is possible to see some of this changes with the next app update?


Oh one other thing I thought of, can we please get the ability to remove mod fragments from mods? This would allow us to switch fragments between team colors. It helps as heroes go from meta to non-meta.



Like a same character Darkwing Duck and Nagawing duck character.


It might be a basic attack, but the render doesn’t seem to include it. My guess is that his basic attack will be just like Darkwing’s or he will just pull out the chainsaw. Not too sure to be honest.



I don’t know Chainsaw wonna work on basic attack.

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It actually makes sense, no? This will be a short window of opportunity due to the out of office/extension of the present season. This means most players will be upgrading and focusing on two new teams rather than four in a shortened season. I see this as a good move.

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To unlock?

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Yes it is dude


I hope the chainsaw is his basic at least.


We have finally Negaduck!


Okay we got another Darkwing Duck character from the show that I only watched a few episodes so far on Disney+ (I’ll watch some more at some point).
Season 8 looks alright, not much to say as there’s only 2 new ones (though I’m cool with Chip & Dale franchise), the 2 recurring ones sounds great once again.
I’m currently struggling on that one level on chapter 60, because it features a few characters, 2 that I wish weren’t in any recent levels. I can’t stand Ariel & especially Madam anymore (plus I despise Ariel in the game) because the latter prevents my heroes from using their white skills. I know I’ll beat the level eventually, but my word this level stresses me out.:triumph:
Anyway not much else to say here, but this sounds pretty good, as I came back from my family trip a week ago (great trip btw).:sunglasses::+1:
I would also like to say happy June to y’all (since last patch notes was in late May) as I’m planning to see Elemental as it just came out today. [Note: The film has nothing to do with the topic, I do apologize]
Anyway, I wish you all a great summer!:beach_umbrella::desert_island::sunrise:

Please stop with the cars spam

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Yay Negaduck! Can’t wait for his arrival into the game, I wonder, will he be strong, or will he not? Anyways, I-am- Ex-CITED!

Patch Season 8, Prize Wall, new character and everything! Any updates on the new refresh hero for this patch notes?


Loving Negaduck and Decay (which’ll no doubt eventually become nonexclusive like Ursula’s Hex), and all of the Refreshes, especially for the Inside Out cast. Will there be a Refresh for Yzma and Kronk in the near future, now that Pacha’s gotten some tweaking?

Also, will Jim’s Purple issue ever be addressed @Samm ? It’s still targeting allies whenever they heal Jim, which as you can imagine, is maddening



Yes he is dude

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Shouldn’t the new chapter be 70?


I was expecting a Pixar character, but this surprised me sometimes. Didn’t see that one coming.

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