Update 5.2.02 Patch Notes

Both are horses


Huh :thinking: impressed


Why is Pegasus being added? I really love Hercules the movie is great and one of my favourite Disney movies but since we already have a full Hercules team in the game which consists of Hercules, Meg, Phil, Hades, And Zeus it feels really unnecessary that we’re getting a 6th Hercules character especially since Pegasus should just be apart of Hercules’s moveset I feel like even adding Hermes would’ve been better! Overall pretty disappointing update.


It’s Pegasus!

His skills are fine


Alright this looks nice, let’s see here:

Pegasus- Okay, cool! Pegasus is a powerful flying horse who is usually a supportive animal teammate of Hercules, which I knew Hercules would be part of friend campaigns. I can see why Maximus is also part of this campaign too, and I don’t need to explain why.:wink: Well, it looks like Hercules (franchise) is about to have now 6 heroes in total, which I do believe may be the last time we’ll have someone from Hercules at least for now (although perhaps Pain & Fear but we’ll see).

Bug fix- About that, Abu is honestly stressing me out in this when competing against him in fights such as arenas. At this point Abu is basically Thanos because I have a hard time defeating him even when using my different heroes in order to defeat him (which worked sometimes thankfully), and yeah I find his power/skills just unfair.:triumph: So I hope this bug fix would make a difference in a good way.

[Edit: When I was doing friend campaigns with Fozzie and Statler & Waldorf (alongside Kermit), I was stuck in one round when I literally couldn’t defeat the ‘brute’ enemy when I was waiting for S&W to yell at the brute with fantastic damage. And yet, S&W repeatedly used their green & blue skill, and even when I use their white skill, it still doesn’t help. So that’s why I’m stuck on that level and I believe this is some kind of bug.:thinking:]

New Chapters- Well, luckily a while ago I am to finally beat the last 2 chapters thanks to myself using another hero with great fantastic damage, and I certainly hope the next two chapters will be decent and fair (as long as I don’t see Madam or Ariel in third rounds), so I’ll get prepared on that one.:crossed_fingers:t2:

Overall, this looks pretty good. Dang, July is about to end soon, I guess time flying fast may not be the best to me.:sweat:
But anyway, good to know this is a server update since the current prize wall is still going, so I’m ready overall.:+1:


Where heroes rotate between available spots

refer to this topic:


I have new enemy ask Monkey fist, Tiana, and Negaduck.


why was patch notes given so early this time? pegasus doesnt come till august. also I hopr they dont ruin abu. it would be a shame if ive worked hard on him just for him to get nerfed


It’s supposed to be the precise buff not targeting invisible enemies in general, not Abu himself.


Ah,that makes more sense

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Statler: These people from Disney are going crazy with all this flying business.

Waldorf: You got that right, first a dragon that flies, then a house that flies, and now a horse that flies. What next? A flying elephant?

Statler: Like that’ll ever happen.

(Dumbo flies past their booth with Timothy waving to the bewildered pair)

Timothy: Hiya fellas

Statler: Of course, I could be wrong.


Ahhh, I wish this will age well. Some escape from this below mediocrocity is needed.


I think you’re doing some horse talk. Maybe PB needs to understand horse language.

That’s what I was going to say about the new chapter along with Sweetums, and more of the Mad Hatter, and even Judy(Bo).


:musical_note: My Little Pony, My Little Pony :notes: XDXD

Aww, nothing in regards to Powerline (targetable before his entrance) and Sarah (weird “use” of one of her Skills, upon K.O.)? :confused:


Often known issues are wrapped up in huge Patch Notes.

The Precise is pretty serious so they need to fix it fast. As they did with Guaranteed Cosmetic Crates, switch alt.


Who is going to appeared in vip create and guild war

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Maximus and Pegasus are both horses which is their only correlation.

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Ok that second friendship still don’t make any sense

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Now we’re just gonna have to wait another week to see Pegasus in the game

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