Update 5.2.02 Patch Notes

idk even what bug this is… Abu doesn’t apply any Precise buffs :man_shrugging:

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Oh right sounds speaking of that when will Luca and Alberto will land in gold create

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This is the 3rd hero in DSA to be added in the game, after Tiana and Cogsworth & Lumiere.

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Will NegaDuck appeared in Vip create

It happens about 2 days before the prize wall starts, as well when the hero arrives. But also Statler & Waldorf is entering the Diamond crate, as well as Flash to the Arena crate, Chef Skinner to the Guild Crate, Tiana to the VIP Crate, and either Monkey Fist or Negaduck to Contest rewards.

Heroes enter Contest rewards first, then VIP crate.

Is there a bug fix coming

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Eh, OK; definitely not someone I would’ve chosen to add, but I’m not going to kick up a big fuss about him either.

And judging from his skills, he’s going to be another hyper-OP hero all but necessary for competing even halfway decently in PvP. That’s been happening rather more often than I would like lately. Ah well.

I’m really, really hoping this is just a misstatement, and the bug fix is for Precise not always working correctly when facing Abu. That’s a lot more urgent bug than Abu not getting Precise (if, indeed, he’s having that issue).

Pegasus: *whinnies excitedly*
Maximus: *snorts and points*
Pegasus: *whinnies startledly*

Thanks for the clarification, even if it’s not exactly, ah, welcomed news.


If they even can. They need permission.


I understand with his owner Hercules but why Maximums second friendship does not make any cense

There is no change in hero rotation? Why does everything take so long to change?

I know we are getting Y30 because of surge enemies. The question is, when we will get Emerald rank? How will that affect Prize Wall?

And adding 1 more horse into the game (while he looks so pretty) is not gonna motivate that many players at all. I want Lady Tremain, Cruella, Cinderella’s step sisters,…other famous villains to be in the game, not another horse :roll_eyes:

What is wrong with the hero selection lately? They all seem so boring


Please explain what hero rotation is

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I realize it’s all just a matter of opinion, but Jake Long and Tiana seemed to generate more excitement than almost any other hero since Meilin nearly a year ago. If you consider them, as well as Monkey Fist, Cogsworth & Lumiere, and Negaduck more boring than Anastasia and Drizella, well, I can’t say you’re wrong because it’s opinion after all, but I would say I disagree.


Both are horses


Huh :thinking: impressed


Why is Pegasus being added? I really love Hercules the movie is great and one of my favourite Disney movies but since we already have a full Hercules team in the game which consists of Hercules, Meg, Phil, Hades, And Zeus it feels really unnecessary that we’re getting a 6th Hercules character especially since Pegasus should just be apart of Hercules’s moveset I feel like even adding Hermes would’ve been better! Overall pretty disappointing update.


It’s Pegasus!

His skills are fine


Alright this looks nice, let’s see here:

Pegasus- Okay, cool! Pegasus is a powerful flying horse who is usually a supportive animal teammate of Hercules, which I knew Hercules would be part of friend campaigns. I can see why Maximus is also part of this campaign too, and I don’t need to explain why.:wink: Well, it looks like Hercules (franchise) is about to have now 6 heroes in total, which I do believe may be the last time we’ll have someone from Hercules at least for now (although perhaps Pain & Fear but we’ll see).

Bug fix- About that, Abu is honestly stressing me out in this when competing against him in fights such as arenas. At this point Abu is basically Thanos because I have a hard time defeating him even when using my different heroes in order to defeat him (which worked sometimes thankfully), and yeah I find his power/skills just unfair.:triumph: So I hope this bug fix would make a difference in a good way.

[Edit: When I was doing friend campaigns with Fozzie and Statler & Waldorf (alongside Kermit), I was stuck in one round when I literally couldn’t defeat the ‘brute’ enemy when I was waiting for S&W to yell at the brute with fantastic damage. And yet, S&W repeatedly used their green & blue skill, and even when I use their white skill, it still doesn’t help. So that’s why I’m stuck on that level and I believe this is some kind of bug.:thinking:]

New Chapters- Well, luckily a while ago I am to finally beat the last 2 chapters thanks to myself using another hero with great fantastic damage, and I certainly hope the next two chapters will be decent and fair (as long as I don’t see Madam or Ariel in third rounds), so I’ll get prepared on that one.:crossed_fingers:t2:

Overall, this looks pretty good. Dang, July is about to end soon, I guess time flying fast may not be the best to me.:sweat:
But anyway, good to know this is a server update since the current prize wall is still going, so I’m ready overall.:+1:


Where heroes rotate between available spots

refer to this topic:


I have new enemy ask Monkey fist, Tiana, and Negaduck.

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