Update 5.9-A Balancing Update

I got season 19 eyes on the Incredibles and the Lion King. All characters from the Incredibles are in dire need of a refresh, and it’s possible that Scar is causing problems with your team as the enemy. I’m also aiming for Inside Out and Wreck it Ralph one last time, but around this summer, but I’m hoping Sarah’s issue and Ralph’s issue are both fixed once, and for all.


In most cases he’s not bad, but in friendship campaigns he’s now my public enemy #1 now that Randall and Hopper have been toned down. I’m roadblocked in a good half dozen friend campaigns because of Scar - he too often appears first wave before I have a splash skill available. As he does bonus damage the more hp his opponent is missing, his 25 seconds of invisibility is more than enough to kill virtually anyone. Case in point an Orange+0 Scar is enough to single-handedly block the given campaign team (Aurora/Snow White) even with 3 Yellow ranked heros and two healers.


I know that feeling. In fact, it’s not just Scar who’s the main roadblock, I’ve also got Davy Jones AND his Chest to deal with, and if not that thing, his Kraken White!


Exactly. These 2 need to be toned down a bunch since you can’t do anything to kill him without precise hits, or removing his invisibility.


I think that also includes True Damage, and DoTs, just to name a few.

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Owl House and Jungle Book being last is just baffling unless it’s purely for the “sake of income”. You can’t say that you are trying to make the game healthier while simultaneously making everyone but some of the main culprits too weak to help deal with them. You make the game even worse to deal with by having the strong get even stronger during the process.

Even if you don’t know the exact numbers, at the very least take SOMETHING off of their bloated stats. If you are taking away so many stats and leaving Eda the same, then she’s just taking away the stats of entire teams where they can do absolutely nothing in return, other than tossing in OP mirror matches, which isn’t how the game should work.


This. I went up against a team with a R0 Eda recently using a team of strong Y18-24’s, not including a direct counter because I thought for the major power discrepancy I should be able to take it. I lost, and badly.
I’ve taken to skipping any surge district or arena/coli battle than contains a Eda or Luz higher than O8 because I have too much trouble actually winning at that point. Yet on the other hand, I can beat E6 4B district lines in surge with teams of only 400M at times because their line includes too many weak stat heros…


Bro luz and Eda are busted to the point of staying on every team no matter what. We really need mega nerfs on them.


Coming next month, finally.

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This isn’t related to the topic, please make a topic and put it in the category: Wishlist!


No spamming please

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I don’t believe it. Everyone in Season 17 just fell big time in stats. So much for the powerhouse playing…


Most of these nerfs, esp to jake long, feel undeserved. But if everyone gets dropped down to the levels we see from the zoot gang i guess itll be fine.

Except… even after this nerf the top tiers like flik have 30 times nick’s stats.

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Well yeah the weaker ones get buffs instead. When they do zootopia only Clawhauser and Bellwether will be nerfed, and all others buffed.
Jake also got slightly buffed btw

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Not Clawhauser!!!

With 50M armor/Reality his entire skillset will be useless.

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Uh, what?

Bro what


Actually, you’re forgetting the third phase, which is checking for bugs that need to be fixed.


@TheGrillFather No concern with the rebalancing…it will balance itself out eventually.

But the stamina needs to craft e6+ badges is a serious problem. Deals are not worth purchasing right now as not adjusted to the new stamina needed, just slowly falling behind, not even 1 hero with full e6 badges. E8 will likely be out before I’ll have 1 e7…that is unless something changes.


Definitely forcing a mass exodus of players over these stamania costs from what I’ve seen in my own guild and friends talk to on game. Maybe forcing players to quit the only way lags can get fixed in this game since means less players playing. The only thing really need balancing is between the have and have nots. Not saying spenders should not get an advantage , but not to a point that those that don’t spend can’t even have a fighting chance. (Again I’ll say it again… not every guild enjoy wars, maybe only top 5 guilds of a server do, the only compliant I hear from friends there are tired of sparring for hours as practice but doesn’t always work out bc not same disc levels, war perk bonuses in play etc).


Ya, Chapters 78 and 79 require a laughably large amount of stamina. It’s such an extreme jump. Paired with the extreme jump in the price of stamina, it’s leaving me scratching my head about who made the decision to alienate all players… So shortsighted

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Nine out of the top ten arena lineups in my current league have Eda. Sixteen out of the top 20 have her. Literally cannot wait for her to get toned down to reasonable levels next patch season. Feels worse than even the days of Mulan and Zeus being everywhere.

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