Update 6.2 Patch Notes

Well, nothing other than using Hakuna Matata in the wrong context.


Statler: (Dressed in furs) That Cruella looks like she dressed for the rock age

Waldorf: (also dressed in furs) looks at us, we look like we should be dressed for the stone age.

Both: Doh-ho-ho-ho


Can we also replace wildcards?

Still nothing on Server Merge :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No! You can’t do that!

I mean, yes. Yes, you can.

But separate them:

  1. Meilin Lee belongs to Turning Red.
  2. Bowler Hat Guy belongs to Meet The Robinsons.
  3. Luca and Alberto belongs to Pixar’s Luca.
  4. Percival McLeach belongs to The Rescuers.
  5. Bolt belongs to Disney’s Bolt.
  6. Basil of the Baker Street belongs to The Great Mouse Detective.
  7. The Horned King belongs to The Black Cauldron.
  8. 22 belongs to Soul.
  9. And The Rocketeer belongs to Disney’s The Rocketeer.

A complete waste of time and space. Highly unnecessary.



Update available


Server update?

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Am I the only one who noticed that this time Battle Pass started today after reset with Percival’s Chips and 25 tiers??

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STILL CAN’T BELIEVE CRUELLA’S FINALLY IN THE GAME AFTER ALL THESE YEARS :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: I’m so happy :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

She looks very elegant, rightfully so! If only she had her signature smoke holder, that’d really cinch her design, green smoke and all. Too bad Disney’s been trying to sanitize the image of a fur obsessed, would-be-dog killer woman, since the live action remake with Emma Stone :roll_eyes: quite ridiculous, but eh, I’m over it

I never thought about Scare being part of her kit (least, I"m pretty sure it wasn’t one of the concepts I had a while ago), but it’s supremely fitting! :astonished: especially since she’s terrorized and scared so many generations of children since her inception (especially with Glenn Close’s portrayal of her in the live action 90s movies - her cackling in the first one still gives me goosebumps to this day :scream:

And Cruella’s cackling from the beginning of the movie after she roasts Roger and his songwriting :laughing: cherry on top! Actually, I’m really in love with how a lot of her kit draws from the first portion of the movie she appeared in! The aforementioned cackling, her reveling in her fur coat, and of course, writing a check (which seems like it took inspiration from the Sorcerer’s Arena version of Cruella, who was able to instaKO enemies when she wrote a check :heart:)

And can we just talk about her Blue skill for a moment? This is the first time we’ve had an echo ability like that, specifically Dr. Facilier’s own Blue Skill (Shadow Snake?), in which they can reuse the skill instantly if it KOs an enemy - very dastardly for Cruella, since she has supplemental Scares, and certainly much more refreshing than yet another character having a Green skill that has them yelling and Silencing enemies :roll_eyes: we’ve already got about four or five of them at this rate

I recognize her pose in the Purple skill icon from the animated sequel movie when she bails Horace and Jasper out of jail!!! :heart_eyes: Enemies being constantly Scared while Cruella’s nearby really does her character justice

While I am disappointed by the fact that her iconic mad driving skills are nowhere to be seen, or her car, or why Jasper and Horace are strangely unnamed in the descriptions (when similar characters, like Mother Gothel with the Stabbington Brothers, have them named), I am overall very happy with her skillset, especially since A, Cruella negates buffs in her White skill like in the concept I had for her all the way back in 2019 (I was still star struck when that concept was used for Colette!!!) :star_struck: , and B, her writing a check definitely reminds me of the gif I used in my concept when she was trying to write the check, but the blasted ink pen wouldn’t work :laughing:

I just cannot get over how :star2: fabulous :star2: Cruella looks in her Red Skill :blush: I’m gonna have a dastardly time using her to wreck Eda teams :laughing:

I just hope her Quote is fitting :sweat_smile:

Cruella for sure is going to synergize well with Mike Wazowski (his Red Skill makes it so that currently Scared enemies who get Scared again take 50% of their HP as damage - or well, something to that effect), and other Scarers. Oogie Boogie’s Randall Disk would certainly help with Slowing Scared enemies down, not to mention his Purple, which reduces the damage done by Scared enemies by 85%.

I just hope her “aura” is big enough to Scare many enemies, like Kuzco’s Sap with his “groove aura” (ooh, just realized she took inspo from Kuzco too!!!)

As for her Friendships, I am a little disappointed it wasn’t with one of the other fashionable women of the City, like Yzma, who’s just as skeletal as Cruella herself, but at least they are very fitting for Cruella’s character:

  1. Cruella teamed up with two different poachers in the live action 90s movies to help capture the Dalmatian puppies, so it makes sense that she’d be buddy-buddy with Percival, who, like those poachers from the 90s movies, have no qualms about fulfilling orders for illegal oddities and rarities.

  2. Shere Khan is a tiger, an animal who is unfortunately often targeted by poachers for their pelts because of “exotica,” so it makes sense for Cruella to have a “Friendship,” with Shere Khan, since she did, unfortunately, succeed in capturing and skinning a rare, protected, albino tiger in the first live action 90s movie, turning it into a rug :sob:

      * In this case, it'd probably be the DHBM trope of Party A chases after Party B (usually a villain with a hero, like with Pete capturing Minnie, sometimes a villain teaming up with another villain, like with Maleficent and Ursula sparing Vanellope and Violet after the heroes saved them from Creeps) eventually Creeps descend and they're forced to work together, in which case, Party A relents in their pursuit of Party B... for now.

I just really hope Cruella’s dramatic flair comes through in their Friendships, because I was severely disappointed with Shere Khan’s Friendship with Bagheera, and Percival’s Friendship with Captain Hook was the biggest nothing burger I’ve come across :unamused:

At least with Shere Khan, the story made sense contextually when compared to their movie, with the themes of working together and doubled edged nature of Man - Percival and Captain Hook’s story was just a drawn out conversation that went nowhere - there was absolutely no sense of progression, and it didn’t even have a satisfying conclusion - it felt like there was more to the story, but there wasn’t.

Oh well, while I’m on the subject, I’m looking forward to seeing how the Jungle Book cast gets rebalanced - hopefully Baloo’s Disk from Simba and Nala gets some of those defensive buffs boosted again lol

Oh! And I’m looking forward to seeing the Video Crates get improved :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is the part where I would also express my displeasure over new Hero Chips being only in Ranked Contests, but that was already there circa 2019-2021, so I’m over it :man_shrugging: not the first time this has happened, nor the last, I’d imagine. I’d also express my displeasure over the possibility of making new Heroes’ Friendships harder to complete since Cruella’s is with two other heroes who still don’t have reliable sources of farming their chips, but I have a truckload of Memory Tokens I haven’t spent in a long time from War, so at least for me, I’m locked and ready to go for Cruella’s Disks :rofl:

You’re not the only one

The server’s are back online

It seems to be that way with most new friendships as of late.

Take Shere Khan and Scar from example. They could have had a rivalry between each other considering that the tiger is the king of the jungle in Asian culture. But no, it just a drawn out discussion that went absolutely nowhere.

Doofenshmirtz’s friendships were
 questionable to say the least. They didn’t quite get his personality right. In the series prior, he is presented as a petty, but cordial and bumbling, scientist who did what did out of obligation to his God awful childhood.

And McLeach’s were just

@TheGrillFather I‘m sorry if I seem annoying with this question, but why are the first shards for Cruella available for non-Premium owners only at Milestone 11?

And at the same time, the new challenge that REQUIRES you to have her unlocked is live for only 9 days? Even by doing some lighthearted estimates, this will be extremely close for most. And that‘s not even considering the challenge stopping one day earlier depending on what time zone you live in.

Are you sure it wouldn‘t have been fairer to give the first shards away at, say, Milestone 3, 4 or 5 instead? I could be wrong, of course, but I could have sworn McLeach was available earlier than that, too 


Oh my goodness! Cruella De Vil is here!

don’t like this idea. The only way people are able to do it is if they BUY the pass. Wtf


@Rex_Hood_LXXXVI My point exactly

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