Update 6.4 Patch Notes

Happy to see Bruno make it into the game, disappointed & sad, but not surprised that Cinderella isn’t one of his Friendships. Total missed opportunity (re: both are forced to live at the top of a tower, estranged from their family, are emotionally abused by a domineering woman-in this case Lady Tremaine and Alma Madrigal-and are friends with mice.

Also, Cinderella had a dog named Bruno, so it would’ve been funny if she were looking for her dog, only for Bruno Madrigal, newly arrived into the City, to mistakenly believe she’s looking for him.)

Not to mention the shared themes of hope between Cinderella and Encanto. Cinderella could’ve helped Bruno with his self-esteem, choosing to stay with him and assuage his fears, even in spite of him fearing that his prophetic gift and bad luck would drive her away.

RIP to another golden opportunity-the other one I can think of is Dr. Facilier and Magica de Spell. Don’t get me wrong, I love Maleficent, but Magica would’ve been better, because she also had shadow magic. Or heck, even Oogie Boogie, since he too has shadow powers (re: “I am the shadow on the moon at night, filling your dreams to the brim with fright!”)


Ooh, this reminds me of the Oyster stacks, and the Purple skill I had in mind when I made my [Walrus and the Carpenter concept] (that is, when they get KOed, the Carpenter angrily chases the Walrus, clearing buffs and stunning enemies, which I also did see with Helga’s skillset :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’ve been using her fairly often, and I didn’t see or notice anything bugged. What was the problem that got fixed @TheGrillFather ?

Can you please nerf Eda too at least?


Bruno from Encanto, and Heimlich from A Bug’s Life is Joining the Battle! OMG :hourglass_flowing_sand::bug:

I like that we’re getting two new heroes in an update finally. I also like that one of them is Bruno.

Heimlich looks like he could become the next Dante with stalling if you give him a spammable invincibility that can’t be removed. :sweat_smile:

Okay so toy story is the biggest issue rn so this isn’t the absolute worst thing. I really hope you’ll consider changing the Kim Possible heroes a little though, they’re a bit too fragile - and Kim needs her purple and part of her red replaced.

Interested to see them

This… sounds worrying if I look at the way hero xp costs were changed. A little increase will be fine with the amount of stamina we get rn, but it better not be something like 100M XP per level.

I actually like this if I understand it correctly


Good for Mirabel. I never noticed it for Joy, but it’s good too if it did happen

This… the mama bot was never immune to pierce and shatter, it’s not a bug. This is AWFUL if it actually will be immune now. Please reconsider

Also Jim’s revive bug needs to be fixed asap…


Linguini & Remy were literally RIGHT THERE. How did you guys miss such an obviously perfect pairing???


YOOOOO, you’re so right, they also would’ve been a great pick for Bruno! Ratatouille also had themes of estrangement from family and not fitting in!!!

We were so robbed of such amazing potential :sob::sob::sob:


AFAIK Mama Bot was never immune to Pierce or Shatter, it was just that the skills were level based so powerups had to be applied for it to work correctly. This was a method of controlling auto-bot teams actively employed by PB - in a few cases skills without level caps were mistakenly released, and then level caps were added because oops, we can’t have auto-bot teams (fair enough). However… this was then completely ignored from some point onwards with multiple Pierce/Shatter skills introduced that weren’t level based.

Can’t we just go back to using level caps to control this and change the ones that are missing it? Making the bot immune completely will massively hike the time investment required to complete invasion

Consultation with active players may have been helpful here, because I assume this info predates the current team, and changing it in the planned way is going to just turn invasion back into an unenjoyable grind…

This doesn’t seem remotely fair. Can’t a way around this be found?

Is there a screenshot available of how this will look? I’m concerned that it will be tabbed with Deals open by default, causing us to have to press another button to see the events…

Any update on Jim or Megara?


What’s even the connection between him and Manticore? I’m praying this isn’t just another Doofensmirtz and Horned King situation…

Best I can think of is both of them have connections to magical talents and a little awkwardness, but that’s about it.


I guess… but yeah, Linginni/Remy or Megavolt are literally right there and Perblue missed out…

I’m sorry, but this seems VERY out of character for Bruno. That’s what Camilo does in the We Don’t Talk About Bruno song. Maybe if he showed off the rats instead it would be better, but striking an intimidating pose and scaring them? That’s not Bruno. He has never been the type of person to do that and that’s only what he was implied by others to do.



Imagine he is just smiling but enemies are still intimidated and scared.


They could do that and put “intimidating” in comma’s so we can get it’s just in the enemies minds. Hahaha


Can we please stop with war perks they are high enough

This was not what we wanted when we said we wanted more guild perks :sweat_smile:

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  1. We don’t talk about a newcomer in this game, no no. (Yes, I’m doing a reference)
  2. Heimlich is planning to be a beautiful butterfly in this game.

Also, I think you meant Pumbaa, since Pumba a typo.

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Nice to see Bruno join, even if I’m somewhat worried he’ll turn out to be either too fragile to be useful or too OP. Threading the needle to make him strong without falling to either extreme seems like it’d be difficult. Heimlich is… an unexpected addition but not an unwelcome one. His skillset looks just OKish, but I guess we’ll see.

I was about to say something about how promising these campaigns look, but… yeah. Maybe someday.

The toys definitely need to be rebalanced, but Jessie is another one of those heroes who’s fairly hard to make strong without tipping over into being too OP, while also keeping her from being too fragile to do anything. And with one franchise per season getting rebalanced… well, maybe Nick will get a decent buff in 2026.

Will the cost of the current perks be reduced, as has been the normal practice in the past?

This sounds very promising…

…until I get to this next line, which sounds awful and undercuts the promise of the first change. The future trends toward P2W, I guess.

I still think it would be better to rework how Invasion and City Watch difficulty are calculated, but as long as the increases are reasonable this shouldn’t be too punishing to new players, and it’s admittedly a much easier attempt at a fix.

Thanks :+1:

Except that was never a bug; Mama Bot has always been immune to Disables but vulnerable to other debuffs. I just hope this change doesn’t also make her immune to other debuffs, or else Invasion will go from admittedly too easy to absolutely impossible.

I’d write more, but I would just wind up repeating what Pipsqueak already said, so just go re-read that.


Hopefully that includes buffs for Bo, finally :sweat_smile:


Sad, my underrated Rex will be nerfed :smiley:

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