Update 6.4 Patch Notes

I hope it’s complete before 2.

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I hope so … What makes it take long time ?


Well sometimes, it takes time to basically fix some errors and stuff like that.


It’s now crashing.


That’s the bad news right? It’s still not complete?

(Edit: I opened mine just to see if it’s actually done, which I knew it wasn’t. I know it’s stupid of me, and I’m desperate sometimes. It’s past 2 now.:unamused:)

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The update has been done for over an hour, the game is just broken


Attention everyone. The game is down again at 14:30 to fix some issues I found out! Just letting you know. I’m thankful for @Samm for the explanation!


what time is it in your country ?

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Right now, 2:41.

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Watch the sorry for the issue gift be like 50 diamonds.


The color of the flyout text is only one color, which is Normal Damage. If Fantastic Damage is blue, when what would be for True Damage?

Thanks for making invasion unbeatable…


So, there’s nothing complete yet? Just checking.

Has anyone checked their game yet? If the updates complete, then shouldn’t the topic close by now?

You’re not exactly wrong, but… does it really matter? Most people have pretty much already stopped commenting here anyways, and those who do have more to say already have other threads to do so in.


I just went to mine, and it all went fine now. I’m a little behind stuff, this is why updates can be stressful sometimes!:sweat:

We don’t talk about Bruno… or do we?cattapillers are nice to.

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Took a break from the game for a year and eight months because of how poorly designed all the game mechanics are especially the combat and value for in game purchases and on a whim played it again amd accidentally discovered a good invasion team (flyn Luis duck) and brought back my spark and my wallet to the game now can’t beat the first bot in invasion. oh well the game was balanced and fun for the 2 weeks and 1 day I returned looks like I might quit again. Thanks perblue for destroying your own game for the first time instead of handling it over to a repeat game melter company again.


Dang. Slinky got nerfed to the ground.

Not really. He seems balanced along the other Toy Story characters.

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