Update 6.4 Patch Notes

Shouldn’t this thread be closed though? @Samm @TheGrillFather could you close this thread and open 6.4 Known Issues?

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Well, hope everyone enjoys the update!

I’ve stopped playing invasion. They’ve ruined it & here I thought it was just me with this issue.

I’m still waiting for the Home Button to come back.


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More Pocahontas characters please?!

Not everyone wants bloofy and your starting to act like the yess spammer so please take a brake from bloofy for a while before things go to far


Rewind invasion, its imposible and boring


Yes, I’ll take a break for a while before things go far.

Dude you have became the yess spammer now all you accomplished is make it so people don’t want bloofy. welp have fun with no account and everyone had tried to warn ya but you didn’t listen now there no way bloofys happening. even I haven’t gone that far


I’m sorry! I didn’t listen to them! I don’t want to have fun without my account, I want to have fun with my account.

Yes, they do.

First of all, that first part is a bit harsh, especially since none of us have any control over that.

Second, that’s not how that works? Just because one person spamming requests for a character has gotten annoying doesn’t mean there is now zero chance of that character being added to the game.

This person’s spam may be annoying, but don’t try to make it worse with statements that you can’t actually prove/back up.

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I don’t have the power to ban your account I’m saying it as per blu will

Wait, you don’t have the power to ban my account?

I wasn’t trying to be mean and plus that’s how yess wasn’t happening was from spam and stuff like that so I apologize if it sounded mean

True, but don’t forget, it made people reject Yesss because of the unrelenting wishing and how brash they were about it and as a direct result, ruined Yesss’ credibility.

So, it may not ruin Bloofy’s chances outright but it does hurt the want for him.

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No… Yesss hasn’t been added yet because there isn’t enough demand outside of that one person for her to be added. A singular individual spamming their requests does not indicate whether or not those requests will be granted. If someone was being as annoying as they were for someone like Oswald or the Madrigals, who are popular requests, that wouldn’t automatically make them impossible to be added, either.

Well, maybe you’re right.

It may not ruin whose chances?

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