Update 6.4 Patch Notes

…I got nothing to say to that…plus…I haven’t gone that far with oswald…

No, it doesn’t.

It actually dos BTW have you actually asked everyone. plus your not everyone so you don’t know that everyone wants bloofy

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Speak for yourself. IMO a character’s credibility should not be so hampered down by one person’s spam requests for them, especially since none of us have the final say in who does or doesn’t get added anyways. Besides, not everyone who plays the game is on the forums/has seen that spam (especially since they haven’t been on the forums in a while), so they probably only realize it was ever an issue because we constantly bring it up.

That’s why I said "IF". I wasn’t referring to you directly; I was just using Oswald as an example of a popular character people want.


True I wasn’t there for that but I’ve been told and try and avoid spamming on characters

Yes, I do.

No you really dont

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And if you can’t see that well then your delusional


Yes, I am! But what are you talking about?

Cool! Bruno and Heimlick!

Hi, Rouge_Cinderella_I

Uh… hi? :wave:

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Do you even know what delusional means?

We don’t talk about him…


:musical_note: We don’t talk about Bruno, no, no, no,no :musical_note:

Invasion is certainly more difficult, but not impossible. Further discussion is here: Invasion Nearly Unplayable

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Actually, this thread should be closed.

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I like the song.

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I like the thought of a Server Merge

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