Wow. Out goes something useful...and in comes pay to win

I mean, at least they added a hero! An op hero who was supposed to be only decent. lol.


Yet again an awesome decision destroyed by outrageous numbers. I mean, the idea itself sounds great - decrease the amount of bits to reduce lag, but compensate the cost by higher entering cost of the chapter. That would be good if a new badge costed just like before, 3M or less. However, with the new numbers
I mean, the cheapest badge costs more than all previous ranks combined (if considering the cost decrease by having bits from previous ranks).

This is just scary. But I mean, the lag issue is no more - a part won’t lag if you have no access to it.
Have to be fair, I expected things to go down. With both QoLs and heroes. Pretty much every time people say they now “go quality over quantity”, they seem to drop both. I hate to be the “the game is dying” guy, but the patient shows signs of abnormal behaviour and bites, and that is painful.


Wow the forums is like a jungle right now (I mean I can understand why) but it’s just madness everywhere you look. I still don’t know why the people working at Dhbm thought this would be a good idea to ruin their game by removing a good feature :grimacing:


I try to operate under Hanlon’s Razor. Don’t assume malice when ignorance is an adequate explanation

But there are limits and this whole thing is a blatant example of greed. Nothing more.


Have been paying and playing since the beta. Per blue, you’re out of your minds. I am quitting, you’ve got your last dollar out of me.


Hoped this would correct overnight. Nope. I can’t spend money to simply get enough bits for a single E6 badge. Game is already unfun after less than 24 hours. A waste of efforts.

Please answer. The longer you play ostrich, the quicker we quit


Do level and skill, leave the E6 promotion untill they fix it :wink: or show they don’t care what players say. Often takes a little more then 24h. Patience is a virtue


What is most perplexing for me is that they also increased the stamina cost to raid elite in the newest chapter. What is the point of that?? It already doesn’t give nearly enough hero chips for the old price, let alone after a 10k increase. If they really increased the cost to balance the badge making then the elite cost shouldn’t have been touched.

What’s the rationale for increasing elite costs??


They would’ve had to increase it or everyone would just have raided Elite instead of Normal lol, but clearly it should have been (new amount + 15) instead of the amount it’s actually been given.

Increasing the Elite cost to nearly +1000 Stamina per raid while not offering any more hero chips is just bizarre

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Well for only 5 raids a day I thought it would be harmless to leave it as is but that’s true. Let’s say at the previous cost of 24 stamina you get on average 3 chips in 5 raids. That means 3 chips cost about 120 stamina.

So at the new cost of 10285 we should get roughly 86 chips in 5 raids. Please and thank you lol

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2-6-24 The day PB said the players don’t matter just dollars


PB make that ching ching :dollar: over players

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Yeah. This quality is the worst I’ve seen. I’m a loyal customer, and a veteran (not on forums) but this is outrageous. Mistakes are fine, but it seems that it gets way stranger near the end. (At least we get some stuff


Wow, you’re rich now!


You’re a troll 100% (I mean your name says everything)
Also I doubt protesting will do anything


Lol. Who though that was a good idea??? Simply insane. Baffling.


Summed up again with SpongeBob memes



The whole time that I’ve wondered how many heroes to level, and that gold is the most important currency in this game and surge gives the most, sounds like my saving 120 billion gold was important. And leveling 112 heroes for surge raids helps a lot. And they’re all yellow not emerald 6 and still useful at that rank. Being emerald rank really provides almost nothing so don’t expect that I’ll ever get emerald rank

Honestly if they didn’t want us to play the game properly
. Rather have the terrible lag back on the game than this
. At least than I know it be a reasonable excuse not to log in the game as frequently.

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