6.3 Known Issues

Please remember to also submit support tickets through the game if you encounter any bugs or issues. Thanks!

Current 6.3 Known Issues:

  • Duplicate Patch Talents for Esmeralda & Prince Phillip - fixed
  • Mirabel’s Purple Skill - under investigation
  • Guild Crate Mail Message - pushing fix & guilds write in for comp
  • Difficult to Read Numbers with Summer Hub - under investigation
  • Franchise Trials Missing Patch Essence Tier 5 - fixed & pulling comp list

Here are 2 more Current known issues at this moment. One of them is Ralph’s bug that still persists on how the position of lineups look like.

I don’t know if this current issue is still fixed or not, but there’s a storyline duplicate that could be Woody’s story quote, or not. I even found that Demona’s green skill doesn’t activate when heroes are starting to play their reviving animations, like Fozzie.

Jim Hawkins reviving the entire team. Not sure why that’s not on the known issues list.

Also noticed King Louie’s bananas are remaining on the field after he is KO’d, they just don’t do damage.

Slight graphical error:

I don’t know how to explain this properly, but when I go to the homescreen from a few different menus, it flashes between the home and the previous menu for a millisecond or two before going to the home. It’s not a major issue but it certainly isn’t enjoyable.

I took a screen recording of it but I don’t remember how to upload it here unless the option was taken away.

Joy’s red skill has become far weaker than what it was even before the power creep (franchise refresh done in patch trial).

I would accept mild nerfs for the healthy states of the game, but it’s unacceptable to make heroes weaker than what they were in the pre-power creep era!

Please consider re-adjusting her red skill.

I’m also disappointed that no new talents came as 5th patch talents unlike 4th talents, which brought several new talents.

Because we don’t need more.

Coliseum isn’t giving bonus points for using featured heroes

A guildmate and I have had this error for 24 hrs now. They are on Android. I’m on an iPhone.

I can’t login. What’s her red skill now? Because it’s been broken for awhile. Like buff removal didn’t help. The right combo would stall the battle. Bag-Eda-Joy-Jim is stupid.

It’s really fair now. Unlimited HP was too OP…
And now you can’t remove extra HP.


Not sure if it works properly though. Paired her with Hades, both dead in 8 seconds. His invincibility gets removed despite Joy’s skill. Here we go again?:sweat_smile:

It had been limitless since the release, which is long before the power creep.

If the purpose of rebalancing is to tackle the power creep that I think started around Pegasus, just make stats and damage back to the standard before the power creep. No need to change anything that wasn’t problematic before it.

Buff removal resistance duration has been decreased, the ratio extra heal converted into HP has also been significantly reduced, then it now has a cap. This is a ridiculous nerf.

Only buff she got is that increased max hp cannot be removed, but even through considering that, 200% “Base Max HP” is too low as some heroes easily deal 100B or 1000B damage in just a few seconds and like 1000000B damage during the battle.
Ideally, “HP can increase up to 1000% of Max HP including all HP increases (disks, red skills, enhancement, etc.) and 200% of which cannot be removed” would be fair. (I still think it’s not satisfactory compared to the limitless HP)

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Then pair her with anti-crit. She gave way too much max HP along with constant healing, shielding, and stat buffs.

She’s one hero. Compare her with other supports and she was too good. She needed a nerf.


So if Disgust in this post was rebalanced, the targets from her white skill halved.

I’d argue the power explosion started before that, with Negaduck, but Pegasus is where it really took off (pun not intended). Remember that before the Inside Out buffs that came with their patch season, though, Joy protected buffs for only seven seconds; given that, I think reducing it from 25 seconds to 12 is very reasonable.

Regarding her HP buffs, I’d mostly agree with you that they were nerfed too hard, and think your proposed revision sounds reasonable, if maybe a bit high with the 1000% cap. Still, she survived the balancing in better shape than Disgust and a lot better shape than Fear, who’s now all but worthless. :frowning:


Still worthless of her base HP? Well, that’s the missed rebalance from there, but I still found out the cause as to Ralph’s bug is affecting the lineups. Take a look at before and after.

Can you please re-add the home button on the sidebar? I understand it’s not an “issue” but it makes everything much more tedious


Yeah Inside Out kinda suffered pretty bad on the rebalance, I lost their patch trial twice already and having to evaluate if I want to put more resources into them or just take the L…

The “nerfs” are meaningless, Negaduck and Eda still maintain abilities that give 75% and 90% critical reduction respectively. Apart from many other benefits and now the maximum it can reduce Fear is only 60%. Why? Fear wasn’t even good enough in the current meta, and let’s not talk about the other 3 members of Inside Out, who have never been relevant since they came out and have only been overshadowed and overshadowed and now more and more .

And don’t forget that Sulley still needs a change in his 5th patch, which doesn’t give him anything useful other than a shield that he gives himself with his red one. There’s no point in using any other disk than Ralph’s.

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