Alex (Unlikely Hero Concept)

Alex (from Madagascar)
Description: A showman of a lion, Alex will use his show style flair and animalistic nature in the battle field
Quote: “You’ve been a great crowd. If you ever come look us up in Manhattan, feel free to call first.”
Trial Team: Blue
Stars: 1
Entrance: Alex will rise from the floor by platform while in his roar pose as seen in the image above
Victory: Alex will spin around before presenting himself
Death: Alex will hold his crotch area and stumble around before falling over
Role: Midline Damage

Basic Attack: Alex will throw a mango at the closest enemy

White skill: The Famous Roar: Fantastic Damage
Alex will preform a bigger and more powerful version of his roar by eating an exotic plant, this roar will deal X damage to all enemies and silence all enemies for 15 seconds. This will also speed Alex’s attack speed by 100% for 15 seconds and deal a bonus X fantastic damage when enemies are silenced

Green skill: Ferocious Pounce: Fantastic Damage
Alex will pounce at the closest enemy dealing X damage and silencing them for 10 seconds. Alex will also steal X energy from the enemy as well

Blue skill: The Butterfly
Alex will do a dance, increasing his attack for 10 seconds and giving him X energy.

Purple skill: King Of Manhattan
Alex’s basic attack will deal a bonus X true damage to silenced enemies

Red skill: Alex Hungry, Alex Eat
Alex’s basic attack power increases by 5% each time he or an ally KO a silenced enemy. This will reset at the end of each wave


Alex and Melman
Disk: Brown Spots
Alex will gain a shield with X health after using “Ferocious Pounce”
Melman is worried about the fact that he’s covered in brown spots and believes he’s sick. So Alex tries to tell him that all Giraffes have this
Allies: Dr Draken Mickey Mouse Rapunzel

Alex and Mike
Disk: Acting Duo
Alex will deal an bonus X fantastic damage when dealing damage to a stunned enemy
Mike appreciates Alex’s level of acting and wants him to be in his new musical “Put That Thing Back Where It Came From”
Allies: Sully and Boo Kim Possible Randall

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