Arena/Coliseum Disk Changing Cooldown

yes because if you are become truly powerful as you are implying you are not it would be easy to beat them nonetheless?

Ye that’s true it really should be

During the last two weeks of Challenger season, it’s true that, with rare exceptions, every player in any given league can find some way to beat every other player in their league. But because of the way Challenger leagues work, that’s not enough to ensure fairness.

I’m guessing you don’t know much about Challenger competition yet, so just to lay out some relevant details: you don’t advance in the standings simply by beating a team above you. Instead, over the course of a week, your standing in your league is determined by how many points you score in each fight. Each league has between 8 and ~30 players, depending on which Challenger rank it is. For the first week of the season, everyone starts in Challenger VII; the top 1-3 finishers advance two ranks, and most of the rest of the league advances one rank. The rewards for being in Challenger I for the fourth week are really good, so there’s a strong incentive to be one of the ~24 people in that rank.

So, points: Winning a fight is worth 1000 points; winning a fight quickly is worth up to an additional 750 points (for winning in under 4 seconds), although that bonus quickly drops off to zero after, I think, ~12 seconds (I can’t recall, sorry). There’s two other ways to score bonus points each season, typically things like “Earn bonus points for all NORMAL damage dealt to opponents” and “Earn bonus points for each KNOCK BACK on an opponent”. Usually rules like that first example are capped to a maximum of 250 points; if a rule doesn’t have a cap on the number of points one can earn, it’s usually really hard, if not effectively impossible, to get more than 250-300 points.

Thus, putting it all together: If Able, Baker, and Charlie are all friends, either from being in the same guild or through some other means, they can each use a defensive line in Arena where, with one set of disks, it’s impossible to get any Quick Win points, but with another set of disks, it’s easy to get the full 750 points (plus usually most of the other bonus points). They spend most of the week with their teams using the first set, but when they’re all online, Abel (for example) can set his team to use the second set just long enough for Baker and/or Charlie to attack and get the Quick Win points, then change it back after a few seconds so no one else can get those points. At the end of the week, Able, Baker, and Charlie each have an advantage of roughly 1500 points over other players, due to exploiting the lack of a cooldown for changing their disks; they all advance two ranks for better rewards, while everyone else is stuck advancing one rank, at most.

This is very unfair. This means that the people able to get to the top Challenger league in the last week, and who are eligible for those generous rewards, are mostly those who have the most friends in their leagues during the previous two weeks. Not the ones who are best at playing the game and using their heroes against enemy teams; not even necessarily the ones who spend the most money; simply the ones who get lucky in being put in the same league as two or three other guildmates or friends.

That’s why I’m so upset about that rule change, going all the way back to when it was made in April; that’s why I feel the change must be reverted. It may be annoying to have to wait up to roughly another day to add a friendship disk to a lineup if you earn two or more in a day, but the way things are now are literally ruining a game mode for hundreds of players across the game’s servers.

There’s no need to be rude and insulting. Not everyone has advanced far enough in the game to understand how Arena and Coliseum change drastically in Challenger league play; ignorance is not stupidity or incompetence.

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Thanks Jody :slight_smile:

Correct, I know a bit but not a lot, my best hero is Aurora at R8, i’m on level 171.

my comment wasn’t entirely clear; the issue wasn’t pressing save by mistake and triggering the cooldown, though that surely must happen to people.

The issue was that the defence locked in the state of the heroes at the time of setting, so unless you regularly went in and saved it with the same line, your heroes wouldn’t receive most upgrades.

That then keeps you on cooldown unnecessarily when you may want to actually change things; also it’s not documented at all in game, so the majority of players would be using outdated defences without realising it

on server 1, people from guilds who were seen in fixed battles are asked to come in and vote, for the option to remain unchanged. I think you have to make your own decisions. my opinion is that changing friendships for your friends is an exploit of the game. everyone should be on an equal footing.


It is cheating can agree and get an advantage and the opponent is directly in a disadvantage that depending on the guild members who are in the league, is not to catch up.
Alone that for it a survey was started, lets me doubt which competence with the responsible developer is present.Here one should possibly times think over who is responsible for it.
Arena and Colosseum are a competition and with this change a possibility was created itself an unfair advantage opposite third to provide.
Here you should not have opened a vote, but directly have to undo the change again.


oh wait a minute @Loutre if I equipped multiple disks in a row would it just activate the first one and then on the next cooldown would activate the other disks I equipped?

option 2 to have people not change disks to help their friends win arena. that’s just cheating. there’s players working hard at arena and spending resources like diamonds to get good scores. just to take away all their hard work by swopping disks so their friends can score better. let’s keep it fair for everyone.


The problem not only of changing disks, the problem is with a group of members they changed defense and you can’t hit 6 at same time


6 friends cheating with easy defense on day 1

1st day: you have 3 keys:
you unlock 3 of the 6… you scored high

1 of them will unlock another 3 of them that you don’t know who and will score high

2nd day: 3 keys:
immediately after rewards time, the 3 that their friend hit and scored on them will change defense to hard
Then you’ll get 0 chance to score on them

Their player will hit another 3 and score high that you already hit day before so nothing new on your score

You’ll be screwed then because you lost your chance to hit what their friend hit in day 1 when it was easy and he will get way higher points than you

Usually we have more than 6 friends in last week who keep doing this

We need a 3rd option to lock defense totally for last week to stop friendship cheating as a group

I think it is ok but still they should make some changes to some stuff. Give us more chest or diamonds

if you strip out the people who don’t know or care, and the people who want it to stay because they are taking advantage of it, this looks like a clear majority in favour of changing it back :man_shrugging:


Just removing the people who wasted time by voting “yes AND no, lol”, as of right now it’s ~240 for reinstating the cooldown, ~180 for leaving things as they currently are, or about 4:3 in favor of returning things to the way they were in April. And if Koss55 is correct about the guilds using this exploit voting en masse to leave the exploit available, then that side is currently overrepresented in this poll.

That’s still closer than I thought it would be.


I get annoyed because no offence I get into division 1 unless I’m cheated out of it. This was the best feature in my opinion. Its been ruined by this awful disk change rule. Its ruined it Its no longer fun. It’s annoying. I personally wouldn’t comment if I didnt understand something I’d say nothing. Because that just winds people up further!!!

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You get a whole week to set it o really don’t get it. I don’t need a good defence till divison 1 usually or 3 so I set it just before 3 and if I think its not good I redo it prior to 1. Ready for 1 you get ages to set a defence. I dont see the issue.

In which division?

Top division ofc, last week of challenger

But you exploit it yourself

If you say so I got knocked out 2 months in a row and was one of the 1st to report the bug.

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