Bloofy & Pouchy Concept (Likely)

Bloofy & Pouchy (Inside Out 2, 2024)

This city is nothing like Bloofy’s house, but him and Pouchy are ready to tackle whatever wacky shenanigans come their way.

“You know what we call that? Denial. Can you say denial?”

Stars: :star:

Type: Backline Support

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Bloofy scurries onto the battlefield, coming to a stop and calling Pouchy. Pouchy then flies off of Bloofy and floats next to him.

Victory: Pouchy flies back onto Bloofy, and Bloofy begins to sing the “We Did It” song

Defeat: Pouchy flies back onto Bloofy, who then puts his hands up defensively and scurries away.


Basic Attack:
Normal Damage :fist:
Pouchy launches a roll of ducktape at the nearest enemy.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Exploding Dynamite”
Normal Damage :fist:
Pouchy spits out a cartoonish stick of dynamite into the middle of the enemy line! This dynamite Distracts all enemies before exploding 2 seconds later, dealing X normal damage in an area and Shattering all damaged enemies for 12 seconds.

Distract has a chance to fail against enemies above level Y.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Ask The Audience”
Bloofy looks directly at the player and asks for help, healing themselves and all allies X health and granting all allies Y basic damage for 13 seconds. The three nearest enemies are also Sapped for 11 seconds.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Oh, Pouchy!”
Pouchy produces a tomato for the ally with the least remaining health, healing them X health initially, and healing them an additional Y health over the next 4 seconds. Pouchy then produces a frog that hops onto the frontmost ally, granting them +200 energy and increasing their attack speed by 200% for 8 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Earthshaking Explosion”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
“Exploding Dynamite” now affects a larger area and Silences all enemies and allies within that area for 6 seconds.

Enemies Silenced by Bloofy & Pouchy take X fantastic damage per second while Silenced.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “We Did It”
Enemies hit by Bloofy & Pouchy’s basic attack are Snared for 8 seconds.

Anytime an enemy is disabled or KO’d by Bloofy & Pouchy or an ally, that ally gains X basic damage and skill power for 12 seconds. Disables with this skill include Stun, Blind, Silence, Charm, Freeze, or Confusion.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X basic damage

  • +Y fantastic crit

  • +Z “Exploding Dynamite” damage


Bloofy & Pouchy and Tron: Fourth Wall Demolition

Silence enemies with “Ask The Audience”

Disk Power

  • +X “Ask The Audience” healing

  • +Y basic damage increase with “Ask The Audience”

  • +Z basic damage to Bloofy & Pouchy and all allies


  • “Ask The Audience” now Silences and Confuses 3 random enemies for 6/8/10/12/14 seconds

Allies: Quorra, Jiminy Cricket, David Q. Dawson

Bloofy & Pouchy and Anger: Working Through Our Issues AS A TEAM

Support more allies with “Oh, Pouchy!”

Disk Power

  • +X “Oh, Pouchy!” initial healing

  • +Y skill power for Bloofy & Pouchy and all allies

  • +Z max energy


  • “Oh, Pouchy!” now produces 1/2/3/4/5 additional tomatoes or frogs at random with the same effect

Allies: Envy, Embarassment, Ennui

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Wow! It’s cool! I love it. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes_cat::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It finally came out and it’s the best concept I saw of bloofy and pouchy


I know, right?

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