Friendship Refresh Overview

This is a really appreciated update.
All efforts in that are useful to improve game experience.
The best one since I’ve started playing (and enjoying) this game.
Well done!

I don’t know if someone have asked this but… what will happen to the challenges that require infection areas to complete. For example one where I have to use all zootopia characters. Would that automatically completed?


It was mentioned that the Challenges related to reinfected nodes will be adjusted

@Polaris Is it possible to have a preview on how the adjustment will be? Considering the difficulty in finishing reinfected nodes Challenge, I think it would be bery useful for the players to decide whether to try and finish it before or after the Friendship Refresh. Thanks.

@Polaris will allies still be previewable?

I seem to be in the minority here, but I am not happy about this update and that is because of one single but big reason: the removal of the mission stories. I am not involved in the competitive part of this game at all; I’m not even part of a guild. I only play the game for the character interactions and story, and as far as I’m concerned the “reward” for the missions is progressing in the stories, not making my heroes stronger. Removing the stories means removing literally the only reason I do the missions.

I have read what you wrote about writing the stories being unsustainable and while I am very sad to hear it, I will accept it. However, I agree with the members who want you to post the lost content elsewhere, even if it is just here on the forum. I am just barely over level 100 and most of my heroes are just at purple rank, so completely removing the mission stories and the conversations that happen at certain level-ups would mean me missing out on a LOT of that sweet, sweet story content.


I think they would make the story longer hopefully I guess. So each stage it’s different mission story. Eg. Stage 1 will consist of stories of all stage 1-8 in current campaign. Stage 2 will be about different mission maybe from when you do 1st mission currently etc.
Idk if it makes sense. And Idk if it’s the case. Hopefully it will be

Unfortunately at the day of the Friendship system refresh it doesn’t seem l like the mission story content are going to be in the game given what has been said, which is really sad yeah :-(.
However, I imagine it is possible based on feedback and a bit more time to prepare that they could find a solution and implement the friendship mission story content into the game again.

I actually made a post that would be a relatively good solution to the friendship mission story situation as in not losing the friendship story content in the game. Not sure how well the post itself came out in terms of if it is good written, but it is what I made and posted as a suggestion to PerBlue to have a good way of keeping the friendship story content in the game.

So what they mainly needed to implement would be tab options between all the story missions and display both in-between text and dialog text, in-between text as in the text you have that’s describe what is happening between the story segments.

And in terms of switching between the new and the old mission system a simple switch scene/HUD button were all we needed I think.

So yeah, I definitely think it is possible for them to implement the mission story content again, even if they need some time to make all the necessary code and adjustments so hopefully PerBlue later add in the mission story content again in the game :-).


Yea! But the only thing that mostly bugs me is the 3 featured heroes in every friendships, some friendships have random heroes (which is annoying to me), and some friendships have specific heroes (any heroes included the story). Like, why would they pick 3 random heroes if someone is in the story? For example are Timon and Pumbaa and Stitch friendship, neither the 3 heroes are included in the story (Elsa, Goofy and Baymax). I’m alright with random heroes, as long as there are only 2, 3 or 4 heroes are involve. I wish you guys update the 3 random heroes on most of the friendships to a specific heroes.


Yeah… but it should not be for that reason

Mercs should be added to friendship campaigns.


These are my thoughts too, the friendship stories add so much character to the game and with the newer friend campaign stories being less detailed and now losing out on all the mission stories too is worrying me. I appreciate the streamlining to the whole memory disk deal but I wouldn’t want it to come at the cost of so much of the story

Yeah, the friendship mission story content are huge part of the game in terms of giving the game more life, a reason to play between trying to get new friend campaigns if you like story content.
Given how much story content the game has, I imagine the game attract a lot of story loving people and in terms of all the player type polls rests I have done, the typical story loving player type has been the one voted most on.

While I do understand if PerBlue want to scale down the amount of friendship mission stories due to it taking up so much time to write and research, so like from 8/16 per new character release to like 4/8 as that would be half the amount and likely doable if PerBlue could try and at least still have some friendship stories for the characters.
Or just keeping what friendship mission that’s already in the game would have been better than removing all of it.

While I do think the new friendship mission system are interesting to a degree, I don’t think we need it really especially if at the cost of the friendship mission story content.
Mostly what we need are the ability to preview disks and unlock at 1 star, the rest as in the new mission system with 2 types of missions I don’t think we really need, or at least have power missions for the new mission system and a story mission system with only story content as rewards.
That solution I think would have been the best for both those who want story content and those who don’t care about story content :-).


You missed the update:

5 to 7 memory missions still isn’t ideal, but really, how many memory missions do you typically have running concurrently?

I’ll agree we could use more red skill chips, but that has nothing to do with the friendship refresh, or with friendships at all.

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What’s a “toon red skill”? Is it different from a regular red skill?

Is there any compensation for missions that are in progress? I have missions that are at level four for example. Seems like many resources to attempt to finish these missions will be wasted.
Also I agree with some comments above;

  1. why limit the chips to secondary friend? I get it it’s easier to manage vs having an option for player to choose but chips are at such a premium as it is and this limitation can hurt us.
  2. My impression is that guild level five elite campaign chances perks are intended to help with the increase in required chips for the game but max raiding a node and receiving nothing well makes that useless. There should be a guaranteed minimum per node.

And there are times you’ll max raid a node and get an extra chip in the process; chips have a 1 in 3 chance to drop, from what I’ve observed over the past 2+ years, so it all evens out in the end, even if it’s frustrating to occasionally come up empty in a raid.

(Though there seems to be some tinkering with the drop rate to prevent, for example, max raiding two nodes and coming up empty, or getting chips three raids in a row.)

With current huge number if toons used in every memory mission I have 15 running right now. When update comes it will be only 2 toons used but with limits? I prefer current situation then

I know it has nothing to friendship. I added it as a request for future update

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Yes sometimes we get an extra chip but two chips 10 tries (one node over two days) is not enough

There’s only one thing left to make it a real upgrade and not downgrade.
Increase memories from missions from 2 to 3.

And to note we (players) will have a cap of missions so it would be better if at least memories would be a bit easier to get. Now we’re getting 2 memories every 10 hours, and heroes doesn’t need to be maxed for it, and without mission amount limit.


@polaris Well done pb , we needed this refresh

@Polaris is their gonna be any compensation for previously completed discs because I know some people have worked hard for their discs and hope our time wasn’t for not

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