Guild War Feedback Wanted!

I joined the guild ages ago

At least rewards should be given once on promotion to legendary. Then according to ranks next rewards at the month end.


So does the feedback that is being given actually get read or responded to… or just silenced?

That was what i used to think as well. But over time, i’ve come to realise that most of the feedback, if not all is being read. This is evident from the occasional implementation of features/improvements that are requested.

As i understand, there are only a small handful of moderators. So they can’t possibly reply to all the posts. But reading it is a whole other matter.

So after 8wars is time to give a complete feedback about that because too many things are not good… (but guild war is a new thing so i am sure you guys will do your best to improve everything)

  1. first of all the pairing system and the rewards. The mmr value and the pairing system works pretty bad. I saw many times full guilds (with “full” i mean guilds with 45+ members) facing low level guilds with 20 or less members inside… the system should recognise guilds basing on number of players (for example with 3 type: 1-30 members 31-40 and 41+ to make things more fair) and also medium level cause even a full guild with 50 players has no chance vs a guild with only 30 members if the medium level of the 50dudes guild is 65 and the other guild has all lv85+ guys. Then the rewards… in our first 3 war we faced guild ranked 2nd, 3rd and 4th in our server (i am in guild n1) and that is absolutely right; problem is first 3 rewards are pretty low and we faced hard war to get those then, starting with the 4th war, we faced guild ranked 40-50 in server, that gave us easy wins (no offence) and also cool rewards… so we basically have to fight hard for crappy boxes and get best boxes very easy… and last but absolutely not least the end season rewards… from what i understand end season rewards will be 5 boxes with better stuff and also a %bonus. Fine. Its pretty cool. Problem is: we won the first 6 wars and get something, then starting with victory n7 and until the end we get NOTHING. nothing besides 50 war tokens thanks to the daily quest… that is very disappointing… getting 50 tokens by day means 350 in a week… not even enough to buy 5 chips in war market… you should really change that and give something for every victory even after the 6th or at least give a much better daily rewards… getting only 350 tokens in a week is ridicolous…

  2. The strategy/organization part. Leader and champions need more “power” in war. With more power i mean the chance to organize things like sabotages and attacks in a better way… we need another guild chat called “war room” in which ONLY leader and champions can write to post orders like who need to attack who, which sabotages use on a specific hero and so on… that way members/veterans/officers will just enter the chat read what to do and go in war. It will be easy for everybody. Then we need the chance to assign extra attacks to a chosen members to avoid people wasting them just because “i want to attack again”; leader and champions should be able (when needed during the 24h of combat phase) to enter and give extra attack to someone (any player of any rank of course) without risk someone will waste it. Last thing is the target option… too many people say its not clear… is just a purple aura around the car… c’mon you can do better to make the car to attack more visible and clear to everybody…

  3. Sabotages: sabotages cost too much. We need to do at least 1 each on first day to get daily… and basically they work with “first to come first to serve” cause the first sabotages cost almost 0 then after a few price will go up to hundreds of tokens and that is not fair at all. The sabotage price should be for singular player, not for all guild: first sabotage shoul cost 25 then 50 then 75-100-150-200-300-400-500 and so on. This way every player will be able to do at least 1 while now the last 10 players must spend 500 tokens or more in day1 just to get 50 war tokens…

  4. Replay function would be fun to see fights of other players or even a live action while they are attacking

  5. A “reserve” function that allows to chose at least 5 particular enemies (with enemy i mean 1 player so his 3 teams) and assign that to a particular player. That will avoid the annoying thing that happens too often when someone is preparing teams for a particular target and in the same time someone attack without ask and waste time and power. Obviously only leader and champions should be able to activate and deactivate a temporary “reserve status” on certain enemies. Then if the player allowed to attack him does, good, otherwise they deactivate the “reserve status” and someone else can attack it.

  6. The rewards are random in boxes… but sometimes people find chip for hades and mickey and sometimes for vanellope and felix… its not really the same stuff… find a solution… also like every other game mode (surge, cw, heist) higher vip level should get extra 50% bonus rewards on disk power tokens and gold


I did not realize there was a mega thread for war complaints until now: after I made a detailed thread about issues.

Please read this and the replies for some other issues with war, the most concerning issue is matchmaking that punishes good guilds while poor guilds can luck into legendary

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Really good post.

1a. Totally agree, guilds should be matched to others will similar members. The fact a 50 member guild can potentially match a 1 member guild is a massive flaw.

1b. Rewards need to be addressed too, no war boxes for winning in challenger coupled with poor daily rewards is massively underwhelming. No way does it reflect the time, cost & effort required to war successfully.

  1. I agree more functionality for leaders/champions to better manage wars would be welcome.

  2. Sabotages cost way too much indeed, they really should be lowered. Especially while the rewards for playing/winning wars are so poor.

  3. Not fussed on replay, if it happens cool, if not whatever. I don’t want more server strain or memory drain on my phone.

  4. Not sold on reserve, if leaders/champions can overrule reserves that would help. You don’t want players to reserve and suddenly go offline as life happens. That will hurt the guild more than it helps it.

  5. Personally I don’t mind the rewards being random, it’s no different to crates anywhere else through the game.

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Oh tnx for support! About the “reserve” function i wasnt probably clear enough. Obviously only leader/champ can activate it and then if the dude goes offline they can remove that and free the target! That was my idea!

About rewards: yeah they are random like crates but all people get them for a team work. So like surge coins (that just change thanks to vip level) the rewards shouldnt be so different

I’m not sure if this has been suggested already, but it would be great to have the little online dot in the members page of the war logs, like there is in surge. Currently I have to go the guild members page to see who’s online, and then go back to the war logs to see who still has an attack. It’s a ton of menu-switching.


Great post Moka.

I would also add that in addition to the reserve option, I think that Champions and Rulers should be able to freely move people around the cars - rather than having to kick someone (possibly with an optimised defence) in order to see who could move where.

An option on a guild member’s line up of ‘Move This Team’ and then you can select who to swap them with (in the case of full cars) would be so very useful.

I also want to know who in the guild members are online in the War view - when you look at the list you can see who has yet to make an attack, but you cannot see who is online the same way you can in Heist etc. A green indicator to say they are online would also be very useful.

That’s my two pence!


Agree with both lliraeden and alpha about the green dot near name in members list, like rhe one we have in surge. That would be very helpful and also the “move team” or “switch with” something to quickly update members in cars

I’d like to suggest that there be more reward tiers in Guild War. The current ceiling sits at Legendary, which is pegged at seven victories. Any guild is eligible to enter fifteen wars a month, which means two things:

A. That a guild with a win rate of only ~47% can qualify for the highest reward tier; that’s hardly something I’d consider a legendary performance. (7/15=46.667 repeating)

B. Since war victories are a zero-sum game, the need to only win ~47% of your matchups creates the possibility of every guild attaining legendary status in the same month. I’ll make a quick illustration: suppose we have 1,000 guilds fighting 15 wars a month. That’s 15,000 matchups, which must necessarily produce 7,500 victories and 7,500 losses. But those 1,000 guilds only need 7 wins each- or 7,000 wins total- to have every single guild reach the legendary bracket.

Of course, in practice the victories won’t be equally distributed, but I evoke this off-hand calculation only to raise attention to the possibility. Nevertheless, I expect the number of guilds entering the legendary rank under the seven-win system to be close to (or exceed) half of all participating guilds on any given server.

The solution I’m proposing solves what I consider to be two issues: one, that guilds who win seven matches early in a month have to sit defending their titles for no reward for over half the remaining time, and two, that the barrier of entry into the top bracket would be too forgiving. It’s almost a punitive system for well-performing guilds: they are subject to more difficult match-ups for a strong early performance, earning only the pittance from the daily War mission, but likely having to spend noteworthy time and resources on fighting and sabotaging further enemy guilds.

If, for instance, there were twelve reward tiers, even the best guilds would only reach legendary status on the twenty-fourth day of a month, simultaneously bottlenecking the number of entrants to the top bracket and ensuring guilds who continue to win wars don’t see their efforts go unrewarded (except in this case for the last six days of the month).

I also have one separate point to make: the loser of a guild war should receive some incentive to actually participate. As it stands, losing is (I would imagine) quite an onerous endeavour, since the guild takes the blow of both the loss and the resource sink (sabotaging). I think a participatory box delivered to the loser contingent on the bracket the guild has attained would be quite a sensible solution, pegged at a fraction of the rewards given to the war’s winners.


Not being able to edit defensive lineups unless one is in a car is an extreme oversight. Everyone should be able to edit their lineup for war whether they are in a car or not. Only then can champions/ leader subsequently organise members into cars.

Now, members cannot edit lineups in their own time if they’re not in a car. They need to be online when leadership is online to get them to be swapped onto a car before they can edit, and only then can leadership decide if it’s worth swapping in

Extememly inconvenient for both members and guild leadership.


Pretty good analysis nupp, great work! Totally agree on the 47% win rate part. Too easy for any guild to get there…

i am raising a very important change request to the developers to restrict anyone from doing the extra attacks. this was raised before and i am bringing to the developers attention of this need.

do not allow any from using the extra attack. let the guild master or guild champions assign the extra attack.

we have back to back incidents from our juniors wasting the extra attacks. communication via guild chat, guild war, pm fell into deaf ears. we can kick the offenders but it would be much better if that temptation of doing the extra attack removed from anyone. let us the leaders make the planning and decisions


When it comes to recording matches for later replay, the folks running Halo figured out that by saving the game data inputs instead of the video that showed up on the screen, they could save a lot of storage space. The “replay” system, just re-input the saved data and the results came out the same. Something similar could work here if PerBlue was interested.

My biggest issue has been the matchmaking system. Only 4 out of our 11 battles so far have been close, most have been blowouts either way, but we’ll still get to legendary after this one ends. It’s a combination of team power & numbers. Even a difference of 15% team power level (by guild) was enough to make for big wins for the higher power guild. So sort teams by wins & losses first, but sort by team power level next. Sure you’ll end up with some small, lower power guilds making it to Legendary, but if they work hard for those wins they should be rewarded.

On Server 2, the matchmaking is so horrible that guilds with less than 30 members have somehow made their way to legendary, but guilds with 50 members all season still haven’t been able to get there.

All other sports and competitions don’t allow this to happen. Imagine the Patriots not making it to the playoffs, but a peewee team where half the kids have been out with the flu did.

This needs to be fixed. Punishing full guilds with bad matching is terrible.

Why should weaker guilds be rewarded when more powerful guilds get punished?

I don’t know. Maybe they thought the top guilds would rise above despite the MMR. There’s 15 battles a month, you only have to win 7 to reach Legendary. Mathematically everyone could get there.

Realistically, the matchmaking is busted and needs work to provide more entertaining, realistic battles.

No, it’s mathematical impossible for everyone to get to legendary, because matchmaking is made within each league. About 70% of the guilds gets to legendary after 15 wars.

Matchmaking is broken, but the league system makes it worse.

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