Invasion Rewards and Mods

PB - instead of listening you try to justify and rationalize your poor decisions. You’ve given no incentive to invest in your game. Next up for PB, layoffs :joy:


But for real Polaris, y’all need to realize that what YOU think doesnt matter. You have to stop basing your decisions on your own opinions of how the game should look, and start heeding the masses who make the game possible to build. We dont give a rat’s behind whether you think you made the right call. We’re upset, and you need to fix it.


But for who? Doesn’t looks like at all it’s for players.


I know you don’t like this change, but we feel it’s for the best.

Honestly just sums up my other post, how sad.

Although I can’t help but imagine that they will just ignore the issues being brought up and won’t change a thing whatsoever.



Thank you for replying in the thread.

As part of your feedback collection, I wanted to let you know that I am now discouraging new players that ask for advice about this game from becoming hooked on it.

I find this all to have been a very frustrating experience, and when I am talking to newer players about whether to invest their time and money in this game, I am now directing them to this thread as an example of why they should avoid Disney Heroes and find something better to spend their time and money on.


So we can’t have what we want? But you already gave it to us and then took it away. We did nothing wrong. Is it wrong to want it back?



To go a step further, I recommend everyone go leave scathing reviews or alter their existing ones to 1 star, and explain why. Let’s help make sure anyone interested in it understands that all the good parts of the game will eventually be taken away, and they’ll be told they’re wrong for disagreeing.


Ok, if you recognize that people are unhappy with this change, yet the product team feels it is for the best, please explain why. The awards (secondary or otherwise) gotten from Invasion were perceived as a fair balancing to the increase in costs to level up, the increased difficulty in acquiring badges, the increased cost for skill levels, etc. The awards have been cut tremendously in a way that that balance has been grossly tipped back toward unfair.

Yes, Per Blue needs to make money. Got it, not denying that. If you don’t make money, we don’t have a game to play anymore. That said, one of my Tier 19 went from 1200 XP bottles to 100. Wait, 100? So my game playing cost is the same and I’m getting 8.3% of the reward in that tier.

The so-called increased benefits from mod power can’t wven come close to this as equitable for a couple of reasons:

  1. The stats enhanced by the mods don’t compare to the increases as a result of gold, coins, badges, etc.
  2. Those “secondary” items can be used on or for any hero. Mod power only affects heroes with equipped mods.

Please explain how this is “for the best” in terms of game play, in terms of customer (that’s what we are) satisfaction, in terms of future plans for the game: be specific here please.



Invasion previous rewards allowed us to upgrade one new hero per week and not completely at all. Thanks to the previous update that give us a debuff from level 85 to beyond those resource in the long term will feel useless, yes I’m talking when you add orange 6 and level 120 (that is very close) the new requirement to upgrade a single hero will make the impact of this rewards to feel lest significant. Also the badge bazar tokens and memory market fell like a help to get at least one hard to earn badge and some memories for a single hero. Since there is no more plans to help us to get easy bages, xp and gold through the trials and port. The new limits make worthless the use. If you consider add more levels or make the port drop a small amount of badge bazzar currency or something else maybe this burning hate will sofocate a little bit.


PerBlue feels like it is for the best? It’s not for the players, but for themselves, to make more money.
PerBlue takes our feedback into consideration? Are you sure? There has been so much backlash from a few changes to the game, and more keep coming. None of them welcome. None of them asked for. We had to wait months for a few quality of life changes to be made to the game. Like Heists, a mode that died because of the lack of response. Now Invasions are heading in the same direction.
If you don’t listen to your players you won’t have any players.


This also feels like a poor decision because it put a total damper on any momentum the player base felt about the anniversary update.


Yep. They basically shot their own toe off the week before a big race.


You may not believe this, but I am not a person who typically posts on a game forum either. My activity in these threads should count for triple if you knew how infrequent it would be for me to carry on about something like this!

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Oh totally. Almost 1/4 of commenters on these threads have been first time posters. This was such an appalingly bad change that it brought people here to complain when theyd never been here before.


Going back a while ago there was a cost hike for the characters I believe other level 80 and also hike in amount of skill required, which upset your player base a lot then it was also other rewards will be increased to improvise the invasion was a great way the increase that, don’t get me wrong the mods are useful but not as good as the rest E.g. xp drinks, tokens for market and stamina refills

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As so many people have said, they don’t see the value in Mods. Our intention is for players to realize the power of Mods and then use them. We knew this wouldn’t be a popular change, but we love this game and want it to continue for a long time. If we didn’t care, we’d leave the economy to ruin and move on to a different project. It’s much easier than dealing with an angry community. :fire:

Here’s one point for you to think about - it’s not the ONLY one, but a good example of something we’re considering when we make economy changes:

Balancing the game economy - resources that are created vs resources that are destroyed (spent) - is very complicated and something that’s always in flux. That balance recently has been tipping toward too many resources created. Since the beginning of the month, we’ve been running a lot more bonus events. Remember, players asked for more events, and we listened. Contests, new heroes, and new content do drain out some of those resources, but when that doesn’t work, we have to look at the creation of resources and consider how to slow it down.

I do hope that this won’t rain on the anniversary parade, because the team has been putting in a lot of effort to make the anniversary something special for the players who have been with us from the beginning, and new players who are just joining us.


Slowing down the flow of resources is much better than destroying it entirely. And don’t bring up contests. You have been making it significantly harder to progress in contests. Please give us some compensation, like many other players have suggested, such as a 50% reduction to invasion rewards rather than a 90% reduction.


I personally, possibly along with many others haven’t really noticed a balance towards too many recourses. If anything my guild mates and I are still struggling. It’s not easy getting all the badge bits needed, as well as the XP drinks to level heroes up and then on top of that the gold that’s also needed to skill the heroes up.

Like I’ve said many times, the rewards in invasion were helpful but they didn’t completely change the game for me, they didn’t make me stop spending because I still needed to catch up.

Removing these rewards and now focusing on making the mods more powerful is a nice idea however I do not think its the best idea. For example those who do not spend and therefore do not have great heroes, cannot get into the higher tiers for invasion. This will lead to them not getting as much mod power as everyone else and then falling behind again in another aspect of the game. At least with the rewards before they had gold, stamina pots and XP drinks to look forward to while only getting to tier 14. It just seems unfair on the F2P players since they’re not able to keep up as it is.


My math tells me that 100% in mod power points increase is greater than 88% decrease in stamina packs.
I think what you mean is that a 2x increase in mod power doesnt help you progress in the game where as increasing the stamina packs back to where it was (33) would require a 825% increase from where it is now (4) which does help a player progress in the game.


Además recordemos que ponen ofertas de energía a 15 paquetes de 60 a 800 diamantes y antes de la invasión eran 720 diamantes por 40 paquetes de 60 de energía.

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