Jose Carioca Concept (#32)

Jose Carioca

Description: Jose Carioca is a Brazilian Parrot with an extreme passion for his homeland. He wishes to spread his culture with others, and spread positivity, whilst defending against the forces of the creeps. And with his trusted umbrella and dancing, not even creeps will detour that goal!

Quote: “Ah, Baia. It is like a song in my heart. A song with love and beautiful memories. Que saudades que eu tenho… Ah, Baia. I close my eyes, and I can see it now. I can see the beautiful twilight in the sky. I can feel the breeze from the bay. And I can hear the music, the music of Baia.”

Role: Support
Position: Front
Team: Red


Basic Attack: Jose swings his umbrella.
(Damage Type: Normal)

Entrance: Jose floats down with his umbrella and takes off his hat greeting his enemies.

Victory: Jose holds out his arms out wide in pure joy.

Defeat: Jose removes his hat in defeat.


White Skill:
“Breakdance from Baia”
Jose begins to dance as he shifts his feet from side to side in rhythm for 8 seconds. During this time, allies will become energized for 10 seconds and will be healed by X HP per second. At the end of his feet shuffling, Jose performs a headstand and kicks the closest enemy dealing X damage and knocking them back. While not on auto, the player can also activate Jose’s handstand early by tapping his portrait.
(Damage Type: Fantastic)

Green Skill:
“Umbrella Tricks”
After 6 seconds of combat, Jose opens up his umbrella blocking a projectile from hitting him and his allies behind him. He then plays his umbrella like a flue and gives his allies X Skill Power. The projectile block has a chance to fail against allies above level X.

Blue Skill:
“A Gentlebird’s Charm”
Jose removes his hat and uses his suave nature to charm the enemy with the most HP for 11 seconds and increasing their basic damage by 150% while charmed.

Purple Skill:
“Saludos Amigos!”
Everytime Jose crits an enemy, he and his allies movement speed is increased by 10%.

Red Skill:
“A Parrot of Culture”
Once per wave, when Jose gains a stack of hardy, he regenerates X HP for 12 seconds. Also, Jose’s Max HP is increased when he crits a charmed enemy.

  • +X Healing from Breakdance from Baia
  • +X Max HP
  • +X Skill Power

Donald Duck


Disk Name: “Feather in Your Cap”
Disk Effect: Headstand Kick now Slows
Other Effects:

  1. When Jose kicks his feet at the enemy at the end of Breakdance of Baia, the enemy will have their attack speed and movement slowed by 20% for 6 seconds. (+1 second per star level)
  2. +X Healing from Breakdance from Baia
  3. +X Max HP

Campaign: (Jose is super ecstatic to reunite with his friend Donald and wants to catch up with him in the city. Jose becomes more and more happy about how the culture of South America has remained intact in the city, from the food, the music, and even a perfect reimagining of the famous South American landmark Angel Falls, now named Paradise Falls!)
Allies: DT17 Steelbeak, Joy, Clawhauser

Russell & Kevin


Disk Name: “Parade of Paradise”
Disk Effect: Umbrella Tricks Changes Basic Damage
Other Effects:

  1. Whenever Jose uses Umbrella Tricks, his basic attack now does fantastic damage for 6 seconds. (+0.5 seconds per star level)
  2. +X Fantastic Damage
  3. +X Skill Power

Campaign: (Jose is astonished and overjoyed to discover that the legend of the snipe, is actually true when he sees Kevin for the first time. To celebrate the legend and South America in general, Jose and Russell go to city hall and propose a parade full of life and energy!
Allies: Priya Mangal, Carl, Robin Hood


Nice Post I really should like Jose In the game this is a great concept will you do any more hero concepts

Wow! :star_struck: That’s one of Donald’s cousins!

Wait? Donald has cousins?


Actually Donald doesn’t have cousins besides two other Ducks and these aren’t his cousins

Why do you think they are not Donald’s cousins?

Because they aren’t related to him… and Disney never confirmed they were his cousins

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