Roadmap Feedback

A-aaa—aaa–are the hero rotations planned to be changed?

Prize wall now has outdated hero chips rewards, and skill chips but they always were.
Battle Pass gives 1k hero chips but needs to be paid for

And then all the rotations makes it basically impossible to get any hero chips. Leaving players 2-3k hero chips behind to max a hero.

Event exclusive (crate) thing doesn’t exist.
Guild and VIP crates were NEVER updated since the game launched almost 5 years ago.
Exclusive, Arena, Coliseum, and City Watch crates are pathetic and should be removed.
After battle pass heroes should just be placed directly to diamond crate.

Why such thing takes… forever? Nothing new needs to be added, just removed.
Waiting 4 months to max a hero is just sad, and for most it’s even longer.


These are all things we’re already looking at for our quality of life improvements.


After over a year there is nothing to show that they are a wanted feature above any of the quality of life improvements so I took it off the road map. We may go back to it, but since no update is happening there at this time I took it off.


Add diamond crate rotations… half a year.
And with gold crate slider it´s… pretty difficult to get them out of there as well.

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So only one question left… when?


I think we have been silently waiting and hoping, same for with the ability to read the Main Campaign story although I have noticed people being slightly more vocal about the Campaign stories re-read option recently.

But yeah, for me there have been a silent hope and yeah as you may know I was vocal about the Friendship Missions and wanting them back once I understood they would be completely removed.

Not sure if you have seen this old post, but it was something I suggested at the time right after the removal:

Feel free to take inspiration or copy the ideas in the post, I just want to see the Friendship Mission story content back in some way or another :-).


A cold day in h-word is when .

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@Loutre Can I have one more question answered today, please? Since you got this time around Halloween right, is there a chance we can hope for glorious Christmas?

Not saying the last two weren’t, but you know… I still kinda miss some sort of Advent Calendar or Special Sign-In leading up to Christmas. Or like… special invasion. Or like… Christmassy Trial Event (now that we have them regularly).

Also, the previous two years were kinda capped by a server merge in January. I guess there would be none this year so… yeah asking because of that too.


Way back when the friendship system overhaul was first revealed, I’m one of those who asked about having the various friendship stories and friendship level dialogs accessible, either within the game or even on an external website. To be honest, I gave up hope on them ever being restored at least a year ago, which is why I haven’t said anything about them. Having all the story content (either friendship-centered or regular campaign) somehow accessible is still something I would love to see happen, but I do realize that’s very much a long shot at this time. Which is a shame, as some of the funniest exchanges in the game happened in those dialogs that we unlocked at certain friendship levels.

That’s about the one thing I would most love to see for this Christmas week.


It’s very sad for me read this because I was one of the people that loved the interactions you managed to create in this game by this source. Now that I’m level 13 VIP I feel I lost some pieces of that information thanks to the “Skip chapter 1 feature”.

Also this meme die very soon.

The issue in terms of the vote of [Hero Management] was miscommunication between PerBlue and us players.

We players interpreted [Hero Management] as [Hero Cost Management] or [Hero Power Management], however what PerBlue meant with [Hero Management] was [Hero UI Management].

This unfortunate miscommunication likely cost Disney Heroes precious development time, and yeah really sad that this miscommunication happened.

So yeah, [Hero Management] became the [Filters] we have now, so yeah they technically delivered on what they meant to promise, but not what we players thought the promise meant.

Pretty sure I voted for the Guilds option personally back then, but I think it came third or so.
So yeah, it is what is now unfortunately.


This I understand. But with just a filter and a tag system are not interesting at all

Like I said, what I expected the most was a change/update on the Hero information/Stat screen. It is so boring looking at the same thing over and over again :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

In that case we now only need to mark heroes as favourite and such option in filter.


So like World of Mayhem?

Favorite hero feature. (See the heart icon. This makes the hero appear above anyone that doesn’t have it)

Save teams (Personalized icon to remember the team and a feature to name them + Team suggestion feature as you can see this "season is Chiflado/Wacky team)


This I very much agree on!

Indeed for quite some time we asked for clarity when it comes to what we can expect, and what is just dead there on the roadmap. So I for once appreciate the clean-up and am looking forward to the things that are still there (especially the QoLs)


@Loutre is it possible chip amounts can be looked at being increased from the current 7 max you can get for a hero I think the old 3 star method of 30 chips would be way more beneficial and help with the lack of hero chips for older heroes.

Also maybe market slots can be expanded to have 1/-3 more hero spots for chips to have more variety

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I already did voice that the “hero unlock” in diamond crate should be the same for all heroes… 1/10 of Max Server Level (340), so 34. Hopefully, maybe, please?

These should also scale upon max server level. 5 was fine when you needed just 530 hero chips to max a hero.
Now though? At leasst 1/20 of Max Server Level, so 17 (S21-25 14)

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Even 20-30 would be good, but I agree scaling would be better, next year we will need over 6k hero chips to max hero, if 4k wasn’t enough. :roll_eyes:

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eh, less than 6k but okey… still too much

3 409, 25 750 now

5 337, 42 585 Y33


Guessing there was no update on Monday … again?
so two weeks until we have an update then…? :frowning:


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