Server 21 purchase strike(all servers welcome)

And why are you laughing. That’s not nice.



Didn’t you read the 2.2.10 Patch Notes?

In case you didn’t here is the explanation for the small change.

We’ll be increasing Mod Power, Gold, Memory Tokens, Hero XP, Badge Tokens, Stamina Consumables and Disk Power rewards. The increase scales based on the current team level cap on the server

So the rewards will increase as the level cap on server 21 goes up! So in about 6 months, server 21 should have the rewards that older servers are getting now.
Does that answer your question?

But overall you get more :man_facepalming:. The mod upgrades are now separated even more but this means that even at the lower end you are still getting something but those higher up will still be better off than before.


Why did it decrease mod fragments and then to increase in 6 months?

Same happened to our deals that never scaled

Our reward tiers became less overall tiers so we are not getting overall less 80 mod fragments tier 2

Increase mod power and coins that scale sure

But the main part of invasion is the mods/mod fragments and we been cut

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Suga from s21 … i did the comparisons myself from s21 invasion … below is the breakdown for s21

Reward = Old / New / Difference

Mod Power = 612,500 / 608,800 / -3700
Gold = 2,100,00 / 7,040,000 / +4,940,000
Memory Tokens = 2,000 / 3,000 / +1,000
XP Drinks = 375 Mega Drinks / 11 Ultra Drinks / +2,737,500 XP
Stamina = 600 / 600 / None
HP Mod = 1 / 1 / None
Badge Tokens = 5,000 / 84,500 / +80,000
Disk Power = 15,000 / 22,240 / 7,240
Mod Fragment = 100 / 80 / -20
HP Mod Fragment = 140 / 80 / -60
Invasion Team (Color) Mod Fragment = 60 / 80 / +20
Upgrade Pieces = 90 / 90 / 00
LVL 2 Invasion Team (Color) Mod Fragment = 80 / 100 / +20
LVL 2 Invasion Team (Color) HP Mod Fragment = 40 / 20 / -20
LVL 2 HP Mod Fragment = 0 / 60 / +60
LVL 3 Blue Mod Fragment = 20 / 20 / 0

So … more badge tokens that’s a big help (because our deals are still at 7% to 8 % of the amount of goods that s1 gets and roughly 12% to 16% that s19 gets … when looking at the stamina difference PLEASE give us more stamina) … about 5 million more gold why just do invasion it’s unlimited F2P this should be loaded with rewards if anything up the required points there is no p2w here so why not ! … almost 3 million more xp for toons … and we get lvl 2 hp mod fragments now … 2 more memories from shop, disk power everything else is horrible either the same amount (I.E. stamina, number of mods, upgrade pieces, lvl 3 blue mod fragments) or a total loss (I.E. mod power, lvl 2 team hp mod fragments, hp mod fragments) … now we do get 20 more lvl 2 mod fragments & mod fragment

I’m not trying to rant I’m wondering how you can say s21 is geared to be F2P but the only real F2P mode just got “improvements” but minus the badge tokens it’s a total joke there is no improvement at all !!! @Polaris


Oh ok, I get what you guys mean. So almost everything else increased, while the mod fragments decreased.

I think it might increase as the level cap increases, but I could be wrong. And I wonder how the difference each update would happen. Would the rewards increase after the update is done or will we have to wait till the next invasion for the rewards to change?

Sorry for bothering you @Polaris, but any explanation on the bolded text?

Most likely this because the rank of the creeps/Mama Bot doesn’t change until the Invasion after the update.


Im a free to play player I already quit the game because of how much purchasing that you need to stay competitive it’s very bad at per blue once they realize that they’re no longer getting money maybe they’ll change


The Mod Fragments that are offered change with each Invasion, so yes, you will see some reductions and additions to specific Mod Fragments from invasion to invasion. Mod Fragments were not one of the things increased in the 2.2.10 update.

You haven’t collected the rank rewards yet nor all the daily quest rewards, so you don’t have the full Mod Power changes yet. Mod Power rewards were reduced in the tier rewards, and the bulk of the Mod Power moved to the rank rewards, where we made increases. So overall, players should be able to earn more Mod Power from tiers, ranks and Daily Quests.


Ok … so the improvement to invasion was what badge tokens ? That is nice don’t get me wrong thank you … sadly our deals for badge tokens are much less than what invasion offers so that is a plus … since you’ve confirmed that s21 is f2p geared why not bump up our invasion rewards ? Even if more points are required thats fine its completely f2p anyway… This way all players have equal opportunity to obtain them since our deals continue to decline in value … with cap raises its next to impossible for p2w to improve let alone f2p players to compete as long as cap raises continue it gets worse and worse … like our best deal for stamina has never been over 300 batteries which is less than 20,000 stamina which is ridiculous … if u cap raise every 4 weeks gear gets more expensive s ive seen r3 up to r12 and the stamina requirement for those is absurd its going to get to the point 100 usd doesn’t even get 1 red gear … thats why this topic was created … serious look at the gear requirements and what u offer us 100 bucks seriously doesnt buy 1 red gear at r3 so how do u plan to keep our server active ? People won’t be at max level when next cap raise hits unless they truly are paying 1000s of dollars a month …


Does your data show you the amount of hall of fame top scorers top power top ranking people quitting the past few weeks?

Fix this our server is deing and decreasing in numbers rapidly

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This wont fix the rapid leave of players because no extra badges and we still get x1000 less stamina

Whats the point of having higher team level if tiers remain low…

Having newer people maxed levels still will have 200% less power due to the cosmetic crate bonus hidden power

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Yes. I’ve got 17k Stamina on my low level S1 Account… I invest no time in the account and just get the free stamina sometimes… How can this happen?

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Lvl 1 on s1 gets more stamina then maxed level on s21

More stamina from daily quest/daily gems buy/weekly quest/invasion/war then s21

Also deals in s21 give less

Also all diamond boxes cost more diamonds

We get less stamina per diamond hero crate costs more diamonds/red crate costs more diamonds/friendship crate cost more diamonds/mod fragments crate costs more diamonds/exclusive hero crate cost more diamonds
and we get less from the crates even tho they cost us more

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@polaris can we request to be moved to another server as a guild or merged to s19 as a server?

Can we please get a merger with s19?
Another thing

Wouldnt fix all the problems but will fix alot of s21-22

I know majority of players aren’t on the forums

But everyone who is speaking is saying that the deals situation isnt admired in s21-22

Thats 100% of the feedback you got from players saying it

Even if it is not 100% of the players saying

I am sure if you ask all players individually they would agree

Isnt that how data works? You have a huge 300 daily players sample that all agree In unity that the situation is terrible for s21-22

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I do not think that would do anything, and honestly make it worse for S19 and its players. Just being honest and sharing my opinion since I actually played on that server.

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1- you did quit

2- it would get the s21 and s22 increased rewards and deals to be equal to other servers

3-server population is decreasing proof (you did quit) and server rankings in contest for 1% is now less # of players all servers included (19-21-22)

4-better enivorment for new players if they didnt start at a server that gives x3000 less its make an already grindy game impossible to enjoy

5-opens a room for a true new “f2p friendly” server to be created without the mistakes done in 21-22

Some of the things you claimed aren’t correct though. For instance server population- we just had our highest top 1%, at 500, so population is continuing to grow here. Another is claiming s21-22 isn’t f2p friendly, when it’s closer than the other servers. There are things that need to be done to improve for both p2w and f2p, but if the most f2p system would be no deals at all, then having average to bad deals is the next closest thing. I’m not f2p, but I spend at most 15 a month on the 120/400 monthly gem deals, and I am able to stay competitive, I just have to be strategic and selective on what heroes I choose. If the deals got a lot better maybe I would spend more, but then we are heading towards the p2w spectrum. We really should be focusing on game improvements, decreased badge cost, increased rewards, things like that which require playing and not paying.


Thats diffrent topic #state of the game witch i agree with

But seems impossible… even if possible s21-22 get left out due it “scales with server cap” but scaling always behind far away from our current cap and then we seem to never get them…

So my suggestion it to move us and merge and end the expirement and so we can get the increased rewards/deals like everyone else…

Also 500 is no where highest we has 700-800-1000

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