I got a new one! These guys are the Grammar League, from Studio C!
Captain Literally
3 star, frontline, control hero.
Basic attack: He punches the closest enemy.
White: Literally Tickled; Captain Literally tickles the furthest enemy, applying laughing to them for 6 seconds, and dealing x damage. Laughing halfs damage done by basic attacks and halfs healing.
Green: Literally Crushed; Captain Literally drops a safe on an enemy, dealing x damage and stunning them for 7 seconds.
Blue: Literally Glued To My Seat; Captain Literally glues two enemies to their place, making them unable to move for 6 seconds.
Purple: Literally The Last Man Standing; The first time Captain Literally reaches 0 hp, he is revived, gaining x hp.
Friendships: With Hades: “Literally On Fire” Literally Glued To My Seat now deals x fire damage, Captain Literally gets x reality.
With Judy: “Literally Lawful” Literally The Last Man Standing now heals all allies for x health, Captain Literally gets x skill power.
Now for the rest of the Grammar League… way too many to make their own characters for each of them… here we go!
Grammar League(except for Captain Literally)
2 star, midline, damage hero
White: Everything Was Wrong With That Sentence; Instead of a Basic attack, they count up all grammatical errors made by an opponent. Grammatical errors happen when any white skill is activated by any hero in the battle. When their active skill activates, they all take out their vengeance for all the errors, dealing x basic damage per white skill activated. If no white skill has been activated yet, this skill cannot be used.
Green: Good And Well Are Different!; The Good and Well duo each kick one enemy in the head, dealing x damage.
Blue: Irony Taught!; Captain Irony teaches her teammates about irony, giving them x shield.
Purple: Nuclear Knuckles; The Nuclear Ninja punches an enemy in the gut, dealing x damage and stunning them for 8 seconds.
Friendships: With Elastigirl: “Real Superheroes” Everything Was Wrong With That Sentence now deals x splash damage, The Grammar League gets x armor.
With Wall-e: “English Lessons” Irony Taught now heals x percent of one allies max hp, The Grammar League gets x reality.
If anyone else has seen Studio C, pls suggest an iconic character to do, like Aw Yeah, Scott Sterling, or Shoulder Angel.