Update 1.12.2 Discussion

Since the patch notes are a standalone announcement, here’s a thread to keep everyone’s chat about it in one place.

Commence! :wink: :slight_smile:


No Kim, no fun.
Red skills = bigger gap between players

Muppets, hmm… isn’t it first game where are they playable (on phone, at least)?


Yeah, I’m not exactly excited for the new Red skills. They do seem like another feature designed to stretch out the playerbase. I trust that the Gold we can earn will be increased to compensate for the huge outlay they will surely bring?

Also, where have the fun quests from DS gone?! When extra skills were added there, we had interesting tasks to complete to unlock them, along with a little story - now, this seems to be “spend some more resources”. Sort of boring and hard :frowning:

One thing I don’t really understand is the process of unlocking them, actually. It says we need red skill chips from Epic city watch, but that we need a red skill to play that mode in the first place. That doesn’t seem right :thinking:

New heroes… cool, i guess.

Enemy team showing in Arena
The highlight of the patch!!! :slight_smile:


I would like it to be once in a while so that the players have an option as to what character to add.

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Don’t really like the Muppets, so I’m pretty disappointed at them being added. But hey, It’s not that I’m mad about. I’m mad since they’re probably going to be absolute over-powerhouses, like every new hero these days.

Red skills, I’m assuming are going to be another big flop in terms of the player base being ticked at PB.

Just hate how every day the long road from the whales and the rest of the players keeps getting longer, while PB keeps getting bankrolled so they got money off of players who maximize the new OP heroes of today.


Red Skills (Opon reading the ones that will be tested) seem like a good idea and in a little while when everyone has Red characters it won’t seem to bad. BUT I think this will make us feel the gold Nerf even worse than we ever have.


What gold nerf??

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It was a long time ago.

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January 2019, when DW was released.
Worst update in this game.


Had a browse through some old posts…


Gives something what nobody wants…
While… forget about balance, costumes, content and Kim.


Ok here’s my Opinion of this Update

"Cheer" counter

Animal (+1)
Miss piggy (+1)
They are both OP (Especially Piggy) (-3)

Impossible to get Red skill (-3)
OP heroes are more OP (-1)

No shop change (-1)
No cap increase (+1)

No Kim (-3)
No Jasmine (-1)

Not able to comment on actual Patch notes (-3)

No Jafar nerf (-2)

Cheer Count: 13



Yea, this red skill idea sounds absolutely horrible. Nobody wanted it.


Why no update on Jafar fix/nerf/update? We were promised he would be fixed in nice vague language plus yax getting the bug fix. But in update notes if left Jafar out altogether. Guess red skills are more important because no one in the player base is interested in another metric for burning gold. Ugh


I’m neutral on the red skills: not much to say, but from what I see so far, the majority are negative responses, and it’s not a good sign. I actually don’t mind the skills, but how it affects certain players is concerning. On the other hand, the addition of the Muppets is what I like and cherish about this update.

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Yeah, that’s a good point - where’s the Jafar balancing ?!


I would tag Polaris but I feel it would just fall on deaf ears. Perblue is always going to do what they wish instead of what we ask for.


They are away for the weekend, unfortunately.

Red skills seem very unnecessary.

Glad to see new heroes. Don’t know much about Muppets except for Kermit, Ms Piggy & some others.

Eh, dis update looks fine.


I’m honestly really excited that they are adding the Muppets, I hope they add more :grin:

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