Update 2.7 Patch Notes

Yes finally someone that can be friends with Baloo! No one in the game so far could not be friends with him but now someone can! Im off to watch the Jungle Book!


Bueno yo diría que el nuevo héroe que agregaron es magnífico un héroe más de zootopia, pero en la invasión deben dar buenas recompensas porque en si la mayoría de jugadores ya no juega invasión deberían hacer algo para que los jugadores se motivan y jueguen la invasión y que perblu se pasó porque agrego otro rango rojo19 perblu debe saber que es costoso subir a un héroe a rango rojo y nosé porque agregaron otro rango rojo 19 cuesta subir a los héroes y que deben variar en la tienda porque en cada mes están poniendo a los mismo héroes que ya estuvieron antes en la tienda deberían poner a otros héroes que la gente quiere subir a 6 estrellas

So I was hoping pb wouldn’t go true with the r19 and either skip badge increase or do the y0 as promised but to no surprise they didn’t.

Pb when do you start listening to the players and slow down. Level increases need to slow down a little. Badge increases needs to slow down a lot and badges need to be cheaper the entire system needs a update.

Invasion still not fixed I think, as this update do not make me feel with confidence that it will increase the reason for not just kill your own bot and ignore working as a guild issue we have.

Come on pb show you care.


…that’s not “us”…

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R19? What happened to the new color? :thinking:

That coming 2023?


No. According to the Roadmap, Yellow rarity will be coming in 2.7.10.

You can check it out here: Trello


Ohh i like mr big and koslov. Did not expect to see him.

I want gazelle to be next! She would make a great tag team with powerline.


Surprised we haven’t gotten a female character for Women’s History Month …


Yeah they can be good friends


I give it a 10/10

I’m not saying that they couldn’t have addressed it earlier but it’s pointless to complain about a lack of response now when Polaris is off for the weekend.

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He has had all week to respond stop giving him excuses


When am I meant to complain then not my fault they decide to release patch notes just before the weekend ?

Just so disappointed in the community expected more of a backlash to this but no people are more
Worried about an invasion re skin that does absolutely nothing to improve the mode and another hero for people spend money on



You can complain whenever but based off your previous comments I know that you’ll get angry at Polaris for not responding when they’re not even online.

Are we seriously complaining over a RANK?!?

Ouch. I need a break from this game…

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Yes we are and I think the majority agree with me based of my previous thread about this issues.

Not many polls get over 100+ votes with 90% of the vote agreeing with me so yes I will complain about a another rank


Aren’t you being a little impatient over a rank on a game that most people play just for the social interaction?

How is it impatient to ask for something not to occur?

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