Update 3.5.10-A Patch Notes

Unfortunately, a poll just isn’t as helpful as the actual feedback from everyone in their own words while also looking at the in-game data.

That video appears to be from 2017 and is most likely out of date by now as what we can gather from data changes a lot especially in 4 years+. ’

I will always encourage you to begin new discussions and thinking within the community if you would like to start a new thread to discuss these things please feel free. I will not be making a poll for this however.


Just heard back from the team and they are looking into things deal wise that you will hopefully begin seeing a difference with soon.

We also are planning weekend double drop events and Holiday giveaways that should help with these cap increases.

I’ll be continuing to watch all your feedback!


Do you saw my messages about insulting to many people on server? Believe you can do something.

Sounds awesome can’t wait to hear more details about it


Ah, the poll post thread is mainly to have a place to discuss and getting us players to think, so the poll post and the topics of each poll is to facilitate discussions, so it is intended that you at PerBlue would get feedback in the players own words as well :-).

Might be true, but yeah I recommend watching it as an example for Soft Data’s importance, though of course completely fair if you don’t if you don’t have time Loutre.

Sounds good and yeah, can try to start making that poll post :-). Will likely take me some time to make it so might take a few days before I post it depending on how many questions I come up with for the post. And yeah, completely understandable if you don’t make the most Loutre, but I hope you will find the post I make intersting and helpful ^^.

Glad to see you at PerBlue listen to our feedback and hope improvements can be implemented to the double update experience :-).


@Loutre Since the guild contest got switched to a solo contest, which contest will come next on Friday, FtN or guild?
I’m asking, because if it’s FtN, I’ll wait to use stamina until Friday (instead of cap raise Tuesday).

PerBlue doing very good job. Just need little bit from they to made more people who work and reward them for contribution on community.
NBA 2k doing that for their players. You can check that on Yt and in game.

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Yea I want the answer to that too.

It be Guild contest based on xp or badges.

Thing now is okay about that question.

Cannot give exactly what next contest will be, but it is not a guild contest.


Ok, thanks for the fast reply :slight_smile:

Since we have a double cap raise on S21, I’ll probably try to level up as fast as I can and hope I can earn more ultra XP pots soon.

if it’s port double drops…

or at least for Christmas annual triple port drops event… then yes

bring them back as they were 2 months ago and problem solved :slight_smile:

as for now… it’s 4th day as deals got worse once again for a yet again unknown reasons.


well FtN would be in if there was a guild contest… I don´t see why it won´t be happening…


The guild contest fix is still not finished with QA


I mean. We would have FtN after guild contest. But I see it happening regardless… since 3 weeks fixed schedule.

In fact, I would be surprised if it wasn´t some form of FtN. Special or not.


Just in that case like @Loutre said about solo contest, it be some special like unusual with stamina and gems only.

Made some new, some with what we can be involved and interested for play :heart_eyes::innocent::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Veteran here.
Prepare for worst case scenario. A Fortify the Network contest

This only intensifies my trough.


See I think a lot of guild members speak through members who actually go on the forums as they don’t even want to bother going on the forums because they felt ignored for so long, felt forums is full of trolls so why bother when their opinions just get shut down because doesn’t fit what perblue wants to do or care to do (Like asking for more guild perks, particularly emojis, certain characters,etc)

I know at least four guilds ask me to write on their behalf all the time, which comprises of ftp and whales.
Even though they say why bother, I tell them I do it because someone got to speak for us players then just hearing from trolls who want to see more players leave the game.

Again I know you guys say you review data and if you shared it we would be more confused…. But if you shared some of it , maybe players would believe it more, because based on merges and server activity we see on our servers, it’s just doesn’t add up as we see playing.


The decision to do another server merge right away after the s18/s19 merge, and the ongoing double updates is absolutely negatively affecting players on s18, regardless of the amount of posts made on this thread.

While I agree that forums is a small % of the player base, and I am not an active commenter, my post on this thread is fueled by the disappointment of the ongoing double updates that is shared with many in my guild… and other guilds on my server. In guild we have been discussing tomorrow’s update, the pre-update double drops, and the lack of deals pretty much non stop since this update was announced. So I tend to agree with @Captain_C - that others may feel like their “voice is being heard” if their ruler or champion or friend is talking in this, or any thread.

What I know for a fact is that forums isn’t the only way we’re trying to share the disappointment over the continued double updates, the frustration over the deals, or the reduction in availability of necessary “goods” (stamina, xp, mod enhancement chips, etc). Many have sent tickets to support, there are comments on Reddit, there are people above saying this is their first post (meaning they are upset enough to take action).

I think there is a fair amount of effort going into getting the attention of PB on the anger over the timing of all of this, especially for s18.


Content Update Failed Sad :sob::sob::sob:

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